
TAOST / About This Artist

Artist Details and Stats:

Hometown: Riverhead, NY

Label: Independent, LOMA Productions

Website: www.facebook.com

Sounds Like: The Black Crowes, Grateful Dead, The Ramones, Blues Traveler, Roy Buchanan

Genre: Rock

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TAOST is a high-energy, guitar-driven rock band that belts out original, classic sounding jams with great hooks and fun lyrical content. Based on Long Island’s North Fork, the band's sound is an infectious blend of raw British-Invasion Rock & American Haight/Ashbury Pyschedelia, juiced up with '70's Punk Attitude and intense jams.
Lead guitarist Fred Bell cut his teeth in the raucous '70s NYC punk scene at such legendary venues as CBGB's and Max's Kansas City, Equal parts Johnny Thunders, Roy Buchanan, and Keith Richards, his bold style captures the essence of the classic blues steeped in the psychedelic '60s, and rockets with the intensity of '70s punk abandon.
Darren Mignone brings a taste of Americana and classic jam band stylings to his diverse guitar textures. Whether it’s on electric, acoustic, or slide guitar, Darren weaves his way tastefully between Fred's soaring lead play and the driving grooves of the band's engine.
TAOST’s Rhythm section provides a solid foundation of tight, driving backbone with elements of progressive rock and classic country. Fred’s brother Marky from the legendary Ramones has recorded several songs with us and we never know when he might show up to a live show.


“Bobbie Plant said "the song remains the same..", Mike White Presents said "I won't leave you, I don't feel ashamed" and Jack White said "I'm gonna work this job, Make the sweat drip out of every pore" ...These are all expressions of reliability, determination and commitment, which is how we feel about you and your music, and indeed of all the artists on RN who are bold enough to put their imaginative musings up for public consumption. Keep bringing out the tunes, and as the Village People once said, "you can't stop the music. NOBODY can stop the music!””
Mike White Presents - Reverbnation

"Absolutely outstanding, Extreme, incredible talent right here on Long Island. TAOST you guys got it!"
Tom Mele - LI Old School Radio Show WRCN

“Long Island used to be known for high quality , ass kickin' rock 'n' roll. Something happened? But, I think w/ TAOST we may be witnessing the rebirth of great sound from the Island!I know I listened to "Hooked On You" and was instantaneously hooked on TAOST! Great set! Outstanding vocals and sweet guitar riffs!”
Rick Frost - Frost Records

"This song proudly wears and displays its punk sensibility, influence and inspiration on its proverbial musical sleeve. The guitars playing and riffs are spicy, raw and raunchy. The drumming is lively and punchy. The singer's attitude, presence, approaches and vocal style blends perfectly with the orchestration. The lyrics are simple and the chorus is infectious and catchy, so much so that I found myself singing along to it almost instantly! Overall, a superb performance and song dripping with originality. " - Slice The Pie, Take Me Home (Review)
Slice The Pie - Take Me Home (Review)