
Healthy Junkies / About This Artist

Artist Details and Stats:

Hometown: London, ENG, UK

Label: STP Records

Management: Philip Allen

Website: www.healthyjunkies.co.uk

Sounds Like: Blondie, Siouxie & The Banshees, Sonic Youth, Hole, Transvision Vamp

Genre: Rock

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Mixing Punk Rock with Grunge, Psychedelic Rock, New Wave, Garage Rock and Goth, add a soupçon of theatre and you have Healthy Junkies. Glamorous yet rebel lead punkster Nina Courson moved to London after she ran away from home to pursue her own rock n roll rite of passage.. Destiny awaited when she found guitarist Phil-Honey-Jones who at the time was in a psychedelic rock - outfit named Nurotica. Phil had left his dysfunctional home as a young lad as well, and the two went on their way seeking solace in the world of music. Naming the band Healthy Junkies, reflecting the mental health epidemic currently spreading like wildfire through the core of the western society. Nina and Phil arrived at this name as a reaction/rebellion to the numbing and dumbing down of the use of so many pharmaceutical meds such as Prozac, Fluoxetine and OxyContin.
In late 2013 Healthy Junkies added Dave Whitmore on bass and Tony Alda on drums hitting the road in the UK and Europe building a decent size following in both the UK and Erope.. Support slots along the way have included The Rezillos, Sham 69, Walter Lure, The Professionals, GBH, Vice Squad, Theatre of hate, The Sex gang children, 999, The Vibrators and Spizz Energi. In July they support the Buzzcocks at the legendary 100 club. They toured the US West Coast for the first time in October/November 2018. Rodney Bingenheimer former KROQ DJ and current Sirius XM DJ gave the band many airplay spins which inspired them to make that leap over the pond. The band have relentlessly toured and been on the road constantly since their formation. 2023 will see the band release their 6th studio album with a UK tour to go with it.
They have been played on the radio by the likes of BBC Radio London introducing by Gary Crowley, BBC Jersey, Fresh on the net, Amazing Radio, Planet Rock, Total Rock, Lava TV and Blank TV. as well as many Internet Radios. They were also featured in a music documentary called The United Kingdom of pop, a 2 part series which tells the story of Rock’n’roll from its beginnings to now. They were interviewed alongside legends such as DJ Don Letts and Lynval Golding from the Specials. It was presented and shown on ARTE TV which is one of the most important channels in France and Germany with millions of viewers and as of 2023 it has also been aired multiple times now on Sky Arts in the UK. They have also appeared in numerous magazines such as Vive le Rock Rock,Louder than War, Big Cheese Magazine, Big take over magazine, Devolution Magazine, Punk Globe, Punk Lounge and more.
Healthy Junkies are a key figure in the alternative underground scene and they have built quite a fan base over the years. They will be playing at various festivals in 2023 including the mighty Rebellion punk festival in August 2023 plus a few dates in France and Holland.
Phil and Nina also have been running their own monthly night in Camden, London for 10 years now. It is called Punk and Roll Rendezvous. Alongside the monthly night they host a successful annual 3 day Punk and roll rendezvous festival .
Punk and roll rendezvous and Healthy junkies have one main goal; that is to bring people together. People from across the board wishing to express themselves and be authentic without prejudice.


“London punks HEALTHY JUNKIES have just released a new video for the track ‘Some Kind Of Girl’ from their latest album Delirious Dream. The band shot the video with director John Clay back in January before the world was turned upside down. John recently checked up on them to find out how they’re keeping mind, body and soul together during these testing times….”
Gerry Ranson - Vive le Rock magazine

“Born to rule in the dust vacated by punk and garage legends, London's own Healthy Junkies have been making a name for themselves on the scene, and now with their new album, the gorgeous yet nightmarish Delirious Dream, these guys and gal are gearing up to bring punk to the masses.”
Bruce Turnbull - Vive le rock

“Somewhere between sleaze and punk lies a band that have been steadily building up the kind of momentum that has taken on the proportions of a runaway train. The Healthy Junkies pay little attention to fads and trends, they just make music that stirs the soul. Delirious Dream is a snapshot of here and now from a group who, by the time you hear these songs, will already be somewhere in the future. To be able to take a sound that is recognisable from the 60’s (They have included a Nancy Sinatra cover as proof) and DeLorean it into something fit to please and thrill people well into the 2020’s and beyond is astonishing in itself. To do so with such panache and flamboyance is truly amazing. For the Healthy Junkies all their hard work may just about be ready to pay off big time.”
Gary Trueman - Devolution magazine

“There's a good mix in this album that holds the attention and it's worth many many listens.”
Clare Huckett - Black velvet magazine

“Born to rule in the dust vacated by legends of punk amd garage brock, London's own Healthy Junkies have been making a name for themselves on the scene, and now with their new album, the gorgeous yet nightmarish 'Delirious Dream', these guys and gal are gearing up to bring punk to the masses”
Bruce Turnbull - Vive le rock magazine

“England’s Healthy Junkies play an intoxicating mix of punk, garage rock, with a healthy dose of theatrics. The band has been on the scene for a few years, centered around vocalist Nina Courson and guitarist Phil Honey-Jones. The current line up is rounded out with Dave Whitmore on bass and Adam Lewis on drums. Their back story reads like a novel: Nina ran away at 14 to Paris, fell in with hoodlums and eventually ran away to London where she connected with Phil. The rest, as they say, is history. Delirious Dream is the band’s 4th long-player and is their finest yet.”
Jason - Jason's dukebox

“UK punk/grunge rock band, Healthy Junkies, have just dropped their fourth album ‘Delirious Dream‘. LTW’s Andy Duke reviews and discovers how a butterfly’s actions can make a dream come true thousands of miles away. The butterfly effect details how small actions can have a significant impact a great distance away. Be it the way that the flapping of a Lepidoptera’s wings can create a tsunami or how a band’s goodwill to its local scene can result in a steadily growing fan base for them an ocean away. The latter dynamic applies to Healthy Junkies. The quartet have overseen their own successful Punk Rock & Roll Rendezvous nights in North London for the past six years.”
Andy Duke - Louder than war

“HEALTHY JUNKIES draw on iconic musical influences from the 70s and 90s and drag them kicking and screaming into the now. They are a homage to Psychedelic Rock/Punk Rock and Grunge of days gone by but do it with a fresh, modern twist. The song is already getting championed and played in the USA by legendary DJ Rodney Bingenheimer and in the UK Shell Zenner of Amazing radio and Andy Cousins (All about Eve, The Mission) on Deal Radio.”
Andy Thorley - Maximum volume music

“Überraschung! HEALTHY JUNKIES macht punkigen Garage Rock und das gefällt mir. Dabei mache ich um diesen Stil doch eher Bögen. Böse Zungen werden jetzt behaupten, das ist nur, weil da eine Frau singt. Und ja, Nina Courson hat eine gute Stimme und ist auch ganz süß. Aber die HEALTHY JUNKIES haben einfach auch - im Fußball würde man sagen - Zug zum Tor. Die feschen Rocknummern gehen sofort in Mark und Bein und die simplen, manchmal poppigen Refrains flugs ins Ohr. Zudem sind die ersten paar Songs unterschiedlich genug, um den Hörer bei Stange zu halten, haben dabei noch Charme und Sex-Appeal. Knackige Uptempo-Songs und eher gemächlich groovende Post-Grunge-Nummern gegen sich die Klinke in die Hand und HEALTHY JUNKIES schafft es immer, einen gewissen Stimulus für das Tanzbein aufrecht zu erhalten. Allerdings kann die Band den Standard nicht über alle 15 Songs halten und gerade gegen Ende geht einigen Songs das Charisma ab.”
Some German bloke - Powermetal.de

““Our live shows are a combination of theatre courtesy of Nina, raw high octane energy, melodies that will wrap around your conscience, and pure incitement of the senses.” From Bio: Founder members Nina Courson and Phil Honey-Jones played their first gig together in late 2010 supporting Goldblade at a disastrous punk festival in Brighton where Healthy Junkies only played for 10 minutes before the festival was shut down and the promoter ran off with the money. Undeterred they continued to play shows all over the UK, travelling miles and playing anywhere and everywhere including Europe and festivals such as the mighty Rebellion festival, Blackpool, The Whitby Goth festival and The Camden Rocks festival, London. They have also played support slots to iconic UK bands such as The UK Subs, The Professionals, Sham 69, GBH, The Rezillos and Theatre of hate.”
Troy Culpan - Maytherockbewithyou

“London-based punk ‘n’ rollers Healthy Junkies, and their back story, should need no introduction to the Über Rock massive, as various of our writers have raved effusively about them over the past decade, during which time they also have established as one of the hardest working and most respected acts on the Über Kingdom scene, not least through their globally-renowned Punk And Roll Rendezvous club night in the heart of old Camden town…”
DJ Monk - Uber Rock

“While London may have its fair share of decent punk bands, Healthy Junkies have been one of the more notable in recent years. This hard work has led them to share the stage with many iconic punk acts that are among the influences contributing to the sparkling brew which makes up Delirious Daydream. Recorded at Bark Studios by Brian O’Shaughnessy (Primal Scream/My Bloody Valentine), Delirious dream offers hints at a range of inspirations. The album kicks off with one of the strongest tracks on the record, a storming goth-tinged rocker ‘When All is Said and Done’. This hard, streetwise sound remains present throughout the album, but it doesn’t dominate it. While songs such as ‘Sound of My Guitar’ are heavy and hard hitting, the band are always reaching to other influences such as on the Blondie-esque ‘Juliet’s Call’ or the heavily grunge inspired ‘Johnny Demented’.”
Craggy Collyde - RPM online

“Healthy Junkies bounced onto our radar a week or two ago when they told us about their upcoming album and next year’s Scottish tour. Thing is, we didn’t know a damn thing about them. Now, isn’t it a shame we don’t know a way to address that problem? Oh, wait… Simple things first – where are you guys from and how did you meet? Nina and Phil initially met online through Myspace. Nina asked Phil to book a Camden town show for a visiting band from New York called Rick Blaze and the Ballbusters – she was singing backing vocals for their short UK tour. They then met in person at the now defunct venue Punk in Soho, where Phil was playing at an album launch at the end of a European tour for his then band The Duel. They met Dave through a website called Bands in Town, auditioned him and he was in. Drummer Pumpy is an old friend of Phil’s, he was also playing on that fateful occasion at Punk, Soho. The idea is to achieve complete abandonment on stage… Sometimes off stage too!”
Iain - The Moshville Times

“Somewhere between sleaze and punk lies a band that have been steadily building up the kind of momentum that has taken on the proportions of a runaway train. The Healthy Junkies pay little attention to fads and trends, they just make music that stirs the soul. Delirious Dream is a snapshot of here and now from a group who, by the time you hear these songs, will already be somewhere in the future. To be able to take a sound that is recognisable from the 60’s (They have included a Nancy Sinatra cover as proof) and DeLorean it into something fit to please and thrill people well into the 2020’s and beyond is astonishing in itself. To do so with such panache and flamboyance is truly amazing. For the Healthy Junkies all their hard work may just about be ready to pay off big time.”
Gary Trueman - Devolution magazine

“I like Sick Note as a whole and I do smell something tasty, being cooked by the Healthy Junkies in their music kitchen. I can not wait for their next release or until they play the states (one hopes both at the same time). I will be the first in line for tickets. If I am right, there maybe many who will develop an addiction to the Healthy Junkies. A sort of Healthy Junkies... Junkies. People like me who will choose them while going through the buffet line of music. The band's sound will be eaten up as it is served just the way I like it... a hot greasy piece of dead animal, fried with with oil & onions. Tastier than a healthy salad. Sorry Grandmom.”
Al Hoffman - originalmusicreviews

“The room was packed and guitarist Phil and frontwoman Nina were clearly enjoying themselves. They put in a highly energised performance and being on homeground there was a decent swathe of the crowd who were very familiar with the songs and sung every word back at them. They barreled through a number of songs, all of which hit the mark, though I remember Runaway Devil being one of the standout tunes. If the audience were warm they must have been positively sweltering on stage, particularly Nina who threw herself into the performance with gusto, moving all over the stage and working the crowd with abandon. They rounded off their set by inviting someone called Tom onto stage, (think they said he was from another band, but didn’t catch the name), to join them on vocals. He obliged and really let loose”
Colin Osborn - Mindthenoisenetwork.com

“I consider it a success to be playing music full time and not having to do a job I hate instead. Touring all over the UK and Europe has been like a dream too and playing some of the festivals we’ve played, it’s been a real adventure and exactly as I wanted my musician life to be. Meeting inspiring people on the road and never knowing how your night is going to end. Also being played by Rodney Bingenheimer almost every time he does his show has been an honour and meeting him in L.A. alongside Clem Burke from Blondie was like a dream come true. He is like the American John Peel and he likes my band, I can feel the little girl inside going truly crazy. The failures would be to not have been booked for Reading Festival yet, I always wanted to be part of this bill ! Everyone tells me it’s for kids mainly but I don’t care I still wish I could. Also I don’t think I’ve managed to change the world with my music yet. (lol)”
Victoria Smith - The Punk Lounge

“Phil comes from the glam rock/punk rock school of music, bands like The Buzzcocks, Bowie and Bauhaus and I like my Punk too but with sludgy, grungy riffs like Sonic Youth and Nirvana and also new wave bands. It is interesting to mix this together along with Dave’s garage rock influence. He listens to bands like Ty Segall and Bass drum of death. We all have influenced each other, sharing our favourite music together. We all just play what we want and what we feel. It is freeing, we put no boundaries on each other’s creativity.”
Ginger Coyote - Punk Globe

“On tour in France”
Jan Vervaeka - Youtube

Gary Trueman - Punk Lounge

“I think everyone influences each other and gets inspiration from other performances. It's something that has always happened, even the greatest and the biggest were influenced by somebody else. I don't know if I have influenced anyone but I like to think I've inspired some young girls out there at some of my gigs or with my music and have hopefully helped free some of their inhibitions by not being afraid of being themselves... I think it's important to be inspired by others but it's also equally important to find your own way otherwise it's not inspiration any more it's pure plagiarism. People with their own ideas are always moving on anyway from one idea to the next and that's how you progress I guess.”
Wendy Mcguire - Backstage interviews

“The Worlds End - 22nd March 2018 It is a relatively quiet evening in Camden tonight, but beneath the famous ‘Worlds End’ pub, a group of punk and metal fans have congregated for a night of celebration of all things heavy. The night kicks off with punk group ‘Healthy Junkies’. Their set begins with a chugging bass riff reminiscent of ‘Bleach’ era ‘Nirvana’. Lead singer Nina Courson is full of charisma as she staggers and lurches around the stage. Courson treats the stage like a theatre and her energetic interaction between the band and the audience is infectious. The band are pure punk rock through and through, but provide enough variety within their material to avoid ever coming across as repetitive. The songs range from the frantic pace of ‘Nirvana’ to the more relaxed style of ‘The Pixies’ with a large smattering of ‘The Ramones’ running throughout. Courson channels the spirit of the late Joey Ramone with regular “oh oh oh’s”. The final song of the s”
Andy Payne - Spirit level magazine

“We caught up with Healthy Junkies to find out what went into the writing of new single ‘I don’t give a damn’, a moody and in your face slice of hardcore punk rock.”
Eloise Bulmer - Music Soup

“This is Healthy Junkies third album since their inception in 2009, they have retained the core of the band, French vocalist Nina Courson and British guitarist Phil Honey-Jones, and have bought bassist Nim Sadot and drummer Tony Alda into the fold to produce their finest work to date.The album opens with Nice ‘N Sleazy, no relation to The Stranglers track of the same name, this is a stunning opening track, the enticing vocals and searing lead guitar build up my expectations, and I’m happy to report they are met throughout this impressive fourteen track album. Box Of Chaos is lyrically and musically impressive, across the album they demonstrate a range of influences that results in a glorious hybrid of sleazy punk rock. Lyrically they are not a band afraid to tackle important issues head on, for me the strongest track is Je Suis Free, a vigorous defence of artistic freedom inspired by the Charlie Hebdo shootings, this is a hard hitting number that builds to a defiant refrain.”
AJ Phink - Thepunksite.com

“Finding favour within the punk community while at the same time maintaining the smoothness of new wave are London’s Healthy Junkies. The band’s unique sound stems from Phil Jones understated guitar playing married to Nina Courson’s deliciously gallic vocals, it’s a feature that makes them instantly recognisable which is always a benefit to any act. Now with a more settled rhythm department and impressive showings throughout last year including a fine set at Rebellion festival this second album comes at just the right time to move the band on to the next level. Anyone who knows the Healthy Junkies and has seen them live will be familiar with many of the songs on Box Of Chaos. The real twist is in the production and how well the tracks sit together for new listeners. Unlike a live performance where a set is tailored to an audience and limited by time here we get the full picture, and it’s a real panorama of sound too.”
Gary Truman - Get your rock out

“S] What about personally, what kinds of themes and ideas can inspire your songs? HJ] We are inspired by what we see, experience and live through. Our new album is certainly more engaged politically, information comes at you thick and fast nowadays in terms of national and world news so it is hard not to be affected by it. We write songs for therapeutic reasons as well, being a couple in a band we have had our fair share of ups and downs, trauma and conflict, some of this has undoubtedly been transferred through the medium of song.”
Dom Smith - Soundsphere magazine

“It seems only yesterday that The Sex Pistols burst onto the British music scene; shoving safety pins through anything that dangled, mysteriously disposing of girlfriends and generally causing all sorts of ruckus. Well, it may be time to bin that calendar, it was far from yesterday, it wasn’t even last week, punk is turning 40! But will it be buying a inappropriate Ferrari and heading for the inevitable midlife crisis? It seems Johnny Rotten is more into butter than anarchy these days… Luckily, the next generation of bands are attempting to lead punk out of the dairy isle and back on tour. In celebration of 40 years of upsetting our neighbours and lowering our parent’s expectations we spoke to North London band ‘The Healthy Junkies’ to talk politics, Camden and girls who rock.”
Violet Myers - North four

“Having first heard the Healthy Junkies live last December when they were opening for Theatre of Hate at The Garage in Islington, I was looking forward to the release of their third LP released on STP Records. The first song “Nice and Sleazy” sees Phil do a giant leap between Syd Barrett and Pete Shelley guitar style wise in its intro, the rest of the track is driven along by a succession of catchy riffs and Nina’s ethereal voice (the connoisseurs will appreciate the Doors homage in the middle of the song). The urgent “Never Want It Again” speeds along at a furious pace as does the vitriolic “Hypocrite”. “Je suis Free” has an anthem quality and a solo that wouldn’t have sounded out of place on an Only Ones album. The Single “Watch Out” is pure heavy punk with a catchy riff that sticks in your head. Phil takes lead on “Rebellion” while the melodic “Just A Fool” is one of the strongest tracks on the album. The eerie “Runaway Devil” is followed by anoth”
Craig Chaligne - Louder than war

“Healthy Junkies’ new album ‘Box Of Chaos’ is an energetic blast of punk perfection. With this record the Londoner rock band has kicked off the year 2016 in style and full of social commentary. Shouting the lines “You’re such a hypocrite, I really hate you” in the dynamic track ‘Hypocrite’ reminds on early Nirvana takes with a rawness that is most endearing and powerfully honest. Another favourite is ‘Rebellion’, a song with Phil doing the lead vocals. Underlined by vocal harmonies and a determined melodic progression the track is a straight up cry for resistance towards oppression from government and whoever else might be in the way of our personal freedom. The feeling of oppression also comes across in a more sentimental way in the last song ‘Captive’. All in all, ‘Box Of Chaos’ is a well rounded piece of work.”
ProgrockMaster - Prog rock music talk

“These are tunes designed to be played loud and proud in a dark and sleazy Soho sweatbox and enjoyed until the early hours. Picking up on elements of the early New York and UK punk scenes, notably Blondie or Penetration, and mashing that up with the trash glam sounds of The Wildhearts or The Quireboys, the Healthy Junkies take a variety of influences and make a sound that is their own. Their trademark is Nina’s sultry melodic vocals that have a slight hint of a French accent, but singing alone does not suffice when making a great set of songs, and fortunately the music is also catchy and well written. Song-titles such as “Nice n Sleazy” and “Rebellion” immediately suggest to me that these junkies are happy to identify themselves with the punk scene, but this album, imbued as it is with a healthy portion of sleaze, goes way beyond those boundaries and should appeal to all fans of rock music”
Tom Chapman - Massmovement

“Courson again conjures confidence and charm. This third LP places more emphasis on Honey-Jones’s frenzied, feculent guitars, while featuring the band’s most fiery, forceful tunes to date.”
Mark Suppanz - Big takeover magazine

“Box Of Chaos', filled to the brim with tales of debauchery, dysfunction, and mental issues.”
Ben Hughs - Uberrock

“Box of Chaos is a thrilling blaze for the ears and manna for the spirit from a band looking at their most successful and surely acclaimed loaded year yet.”
Pete Metalmaster - Metalmaster

“this (potentially) radio-friendly four-piece* offers emotionally-charged materiel that hits all of the correct notes as it simultaneously gives the listening audience intellectually-stimulating songs that will stick around in your subconscious long after the actual music is done. All at once deliciously dark and creatively positive, Healthy Junkies makes highly-personally music that takes it's cues from the classic (underground and independent) sounds of yesterday. For this up-and-coming (rock n' roll-infused) four-piece influences seemingly range from Blondie, The Pixies, Iggy and the Stooges, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Bauhaus, Joy Division, T-Rex and David Bowie to bands such as The Avengers, Killing Joke, The Damned, Sonic Youth, Flower Leperds, Nirvana, The Swans, Lords of the New Church, Sex Pistols and even the Courtney Love-lead Hole!”
Metal Mark - Metalmark

“having come a long way from madness to success, Healthy Junkies are what today’s music scene needs – a refreshing take on a somewhat older genre. In celebrations of 40 years since the Sex Pistols released their legendary album ‘Never Mind The Bollocks’, Healthy Junkies are one of the most authentic bands to keep the chain going. With their latest album ‘Box of Chaos’ they prove that rage towards a flawed capitalist system is still up to date. Heavily criticising a world in which each one of us is constantly being watched on CCTV, songs like ‘Watch Out’ are a statement of the Big Brother state of affairs we live in. For all those who think the spirit of the 70s has died, think again! Healthy Junkies are the prove that the mixture of rebellion and great music is still very much alive.”
Devils horn - Devils horn music

“Healthy Junkies are a band that lives, breathes and suffers punk rock. This is most evident in their latest album ‘Box Of Chaos’, a truly magnificent ode to the manic depression that plagues the residents of a 21st century world. Although full of social commentary about how screwed this planet is in songs like “Watch Out” or “Captive” Healthy Junkies don’t drown into a nihilistic kind of self pity. Instead, they are punk rock enough to scream “I don’t give a damn” and “Je suis free”, demonstrating that our day and age isn’t necessarily an easy one to live in but that ultimately they’re going their way regardless – and that’s brilliantly inspiring!”
ProgRockMaster - Ratethetrack

“Healthy Junkies have definitely mastered the art of making tunes stick in your head on this album. Box of chaos definitely gets a big thumbs up from me.”
Andy Close - Purerawk

“Other than turn up the volume there is little need to do anything other than enjoy the sounds created by Healthy Junkies. Scowling guitar sears out of the speakers, the percussion impatiently ploughs through the ears while the bass punches away any bleariness in the audience as an emotionally charged vocal gives the material unexpected melody that captures the attention of the listener.”
Tim Whale - Emergingindiebands

“The album manages to sound professional without being over-produced, which is an achievement in itself to maintain that garage-rock sound when you’re 3 albums in and improving at every turn. The vocals are absolutely lovely and captivating throughout. All in all it’s a triumphant finale to 2015 for Healthy Junkies, and a prelude to what is bound to be a busy and hopefully rewarding New Year.”
Nicola Edwards - TBFM

““Hair of the Dog” opens with a chunky guitar and some hard hitting. Nina’s vocals are confident, clear and audible and remind me of many UK female-fronted bands of the late 80′s.”
Jon - Rockregeneration.co.uk

“One of the memorable episodes from their live acts was setting the fire alarm off on the last tune of the set with a smoke bomb, the fire brigade rushing into the building and evacuating it... This happened in Aylesbury Civic Center... Don't worry... they promised to behave nice from now on...”

“The Healthy Junkies are a four piece alt rock band based in London who have become firm favourites on the capital’s vibrant music scene. With last album The Lost Refuge selling well and new EP titled Hair Of The Dog accompanying them on their recent touring schedule these are busy times indeed for the band. MetalMouth’s Gary Trueman had a chat with enigmatic front woman Nina Courson and chirpy Drummer Steve Grainger when they paid a visit to his home town of Spalding.”
Gary Trueman - Metalmouth

“With inspiration drawn from some of the most iconic bands of the last century, their multi-faceted breed of punk rock has the distinct shimmer of glam but with a dash of dirty grunge thrown in for good measure and while such a potent concoction could seem to busy or jumbled in less capable hands, these guys know exactly what it is they’re doing. With the likes of Debbie Harry and Courtney Love forever imprinted on the minds of many when they think of female fronted bands it can sometimes seem as though their new successors are merely playing dress-up, but this is in no way the case with Nina Courson. Able to switch from sweet and serene to aggressive and feisty in the blink of an eye, she moves and jolts as though the music is quite literally coursing through her body and as she throws herself back and forth between being knelt on the floor and poised on the tips of her toes during ‘Nice n Sleazy’ she has the crowd completely captivated and asking, Siouxsie who?”
Emily Lasbury - Decibelle

“Healthy Junkies are happy to just slip something into your drink and watch the results. They have to be one of the classiest bands on the underground circuit at the moment with their seductively smooth mixture of rock and ultra modern new wave. It helps that they have a bass player and drummer (Dave Renegade and Danny Fury respectively) who have huge amounts of experience. All the way through the set these two don’t put a foot wrong managing just enough embellishment to show their worth without over doing it. Guitarist Phil Jones has a way of playing which seems deceptively laid back. Even on rockers like Copycat his free flowing style never comes across as hurried. With all this superior musicianship it’s still the enigmatic Nina Courson that delivers the knockout blow. She has a way of turning music into art with her exaggerated movements and on stage dancing particularly during the haunting Shine A Line.”
Gary Truman - Metalmouth.net

“Nina's voice is the band's most obvious asset, although guitarist Phil Honey-Jones also excels himself trading spiky retorts with her on closing duet 'Sex War'.”
Alison Bateman - VIVE LE ROCK

“Healthy Junkies haven’t just progressed since their previous offering, but have taken on board the feedback they’ve received, worked together as a band and produced The Lost Refuge, an album that’s got mass appeal, and an album that could well shift them from the underground to the far more mainstream – highly recommended.”
Dave Nicholls - The front row report

“. Essentially, “The Lost Refuge” does what a good sophomore effort should, by taking the best elements of their debut and building on them. It’s evident in the slightly bigger production, the more assured songwriting and the increased confidence in their ability as musicians.”
Andy Close - Purerawk

“Definitely one for fans of female fronted punk rock.”
Tom Chapman - Mass Movement

“Healthy Junkies have come of age and you only sense they will get better. A must investigate release.”
Ring Master - Punk Globe

“In summation, this album is an absolute gem – the music is inspired and varied, with some really great special moments – the circus ringmaster ‘call’ in ‘Scam Update’, the music box interlude (see later), an entertaining duet and some powerful instrumental work to supplement Nina’s wonderful engaging vocals”
Donald Strachan - Life after BHS

“Many women like to see is a woman who can hold her own, especially in the Music Industry. Healthy Junkies Lead vocalist Nina Courson can do just that. She is not overly aggressive, she comes across as calm and serene but has a sense of stage ownership.The interaction between herself and the other band members is great. It is clear that this is a group of experienced musicians who have crafted their art of playing live. Ninas vocal is clear and full of character and expression. The track 'Copycat' has an excellent guitar riff but the highlight was 'Manifesto'. This band have a unique sound coming from some great influences ie Iggy and the Stooges, Bowie, Nirvana all coming together and forming a really great vibe. The audience look very impressed and look at each other in approval. Tonight was Ninas birthday which made the gig that little bit more special hearing “Happy Birthday Nina” now and again coming from the crowd.”
LyricaLucy - LyricaLucy'smusicreviews

“did an interview with this lot early on in 2012. I liked their poppish punk back then. With 2013 it’s time for a new album. Will this one be a better one or will my taste for punk on the poppier side have moved away from HEALTHY JUNKIES? That and more questions will be answered in this review. When Manic Street Preachers released their debut album back in the 90s it felt like they filled a spot that had been empty for a long time. And like Garbage did when they debuted on CD. I can’t say that I’ve been following those bands or the ones that followed in their wake too closely but I get a feeling listening to this new album by HEALTHY JUNKIES that they too are filling a spot that seems to always need filling; that between rock and punk with great melodies. Kinda like The Clash did but only 30 years later and a bit more alternative. This is an album I can bop my head to. Anders”
Anders Ekdahl - Battle Helm

“Overall I think it’s a Great CD, there are some tracks that don’t hit the mark for me, but that’s partly because I am more Punk rock n roll than rock and so some of the styles on here are out of my comfort zone, I do really like the band and live they are Ace too, this is definantly a CD to get though, as you wouldn’t want to miss tracks like Spoilt brat, play me and Cat story to name but 3, anyway that’s my thoughts let me know yours and go have a listen yourselves.”
Woodstock Punkrock - Studsandpunks

“Healthy Junkies have come of age and you only sense they will get better. A must investigate release!”
Ringmaster - The Ringmaster review

“As Resistance launches the album into being there’s a real sense of punk fuelled rock going on, harnessing the attitude of punk whilst levelling things off with that eased in rock approach, hitting out hard but not overdoing it. This ability to produce tracks which capture the catchy essence of punk is what sets Healthy Junkies up so well and what is going to help continue to push them upwards within the scene. Spoilt Brat continues this further, with chunky guitars leading the way and backing everything up with bass heavy rhythms, solid drum work and those almost angelic vocals from Nina – it’s a mix that’s going to appeal to fans of various genres.”
Dave Nicholls - The Front Row

“I like a band who look at a nice neat genre hole and resolutely refuse to be pushed into it. That attitude shows a certain degree of courage, faith in what they are doing, and respect for the audience as they are aware that most of us don't need anything dumbed down for us. Healthy Junkies are that sort of band.”
Its a **** thing - No Mean City

“Track one, Copycat, of Sick Note kicks off with a powerful guitar line and heavy bassline - the soft voiced French singer Nina Courson has a voice that does not need to be loud to be appreciated, it's simply angelic. You can hear influences from bands such as Sonic Youth, Nirvana, Hole, Killing Joke, Sex Pistols, Bauhaus, Joy Division, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Iggy and the Stooges, David Bowie, T-Rex, The Pixies, and Tanya Donelly fronted Belly practically bleed out these tracks. These kids know their way around their instruments and the resulting sound is easy on the ears and kind on the soul. Manifesto, to me, is easily the best track on this album, Nina's vocals have a haunting Amy Mann quality to them on this song. The guitar solo here is soulful and understanding of loss and the pain and frustration that comes along with loss. Sick Note is a 13 track album that shouldn't be overlooked, especially if you you enjoy throwing the windows open and relaxing on a Sunday afternoon.”
Chris Griffith - PoDunk Radio

“Healthy Junkies are also at home to a bit of the old punk rock spirit, but they are interesting. They take their punk influence a lot further than crash-and-bash.There's a certain perky glam about the band, too, and a pop sensibility which keeps everything catchy and acesssible even when the guitar gets crunchy. And, indeed, the guitar does get crunchy. Healthy Junkies songs are spunky, choppy, chunks of rock 'n' roll energy, with vocalist Nina fronting the band's backstreet glam racket with good humoured charm and a pair of purple Doc Martens. 'Manifesto' is the band's new, naggingly catchy, hit in the making: a slice of alternopop that pitches up somewhere between Penetration and Transvision Vamp. Healthy Junkies join the dots between punk, glam and pop with a cheerfully gritty charm.”
Michael Johnson - Nemesis to go

“Healthy Junkies, also hailing from London, provided an altogether different feel, closely reminiscent of 'Hole', with Parisian vocalist Nina shining rays of Courtney Love across the small entourage of personal friends and gyrating onlookers. Showcasing several songs from their debut album 'Sick Note' including new single 'Manifesto' they added a glam-grunge essence with moments of elaborate guitar work 'wah-wah' distortion that would have sent Hendrix rushing to his studio.”
DJArmand - Terrorizer

“HEALTHY JUNKIES came to me courtesy of MySpace when I was surfing the new one day. A decision that I haven’t regretted once since then. This is some pretty cool punk rock/”hardrock” that should be checked out. Anders Ekdahl ©2012”
Anders Ekdahl - Battlehelm.com

“It’s reassuring to find a band who is passionate about making music that isn’t generic or run-of-the-mill. And if you’re going to be a Junkie, may as well be a Healthy one! Healthy Junkies are a refreshing sound that you don’t hear a lot of these days. They blend a few genres together. Their songs tend to have a kind of dark feeling to them. That is to say, I would hardly consider the music to be happy-go-lucky, sunshine and rainbows. But despite that darkness, Healthy Junkies tends to keep their songs rather upbeat and fast paced. At times their music blurs the lines of genres, as all good music tends to do. You’re not sure if you’re listening to Pop Rock, Thrash Rock, Grunge, Punk. What matters is how wonderfully surprising the vocals of Nina Courson are. She can be loud when needed or soft, yet intimidating, at any given point of a song. There’s a feistiness that shines through in their songs. An attitude that radiates out saying, “I could kick your ass”.”
Mars Band - MarsBand

“Make way for some fresh and fine punk rock-inspired jams infused with a badass female vocalist hailing from Paris. Healthy Junkies is a breath of fresh air, because their music is a unique style that has not been experimented with since the Sex Pistols, Siouxsie and the Banshees, and has not been exposed to the pop and rap generation we live in today. . Courson has a hint of early Gwen Stefani (a ’90s No Doubt) in her voice, making her easy to sing along to and head bang with. “Manifesto,” “Trash My Love” and “20th Century Boy” are the tracks on the album that seem to hold the most power, infused with heart melting electric guitar and blood pumping drums. I welcome this new find that can finally hold their own individuality while reigniting the grunge/punk rock flame of the ’80s and ’90s. Courson is a goddess in her ability to scream, yell and be loud while also being soft and delicate while maintaining constant vocal terrorization. This is definitely a band that will”

“This London quartet began in early 2010, when British guitarist Phil Honey-Jones and French vocalist Nina Courson wrote a song ("Glam Sister", here) for a friend's birthday party. The fantastic, hard charging opener "Copycat" (which addresses an actual music theft case between two Parisian women, who reconciled after making cameos in the song's video !) introduces their sound: catchy, driving pop/punk with hints of glam and new wave, anchored by bassist TJay Tarentino's and newest drummer Steve Nightmare's potent rhythms, and Honey-Jones hurricane force guitars. Best, the smart, stylish, and self-assured Courson is a hugely appealing frontwoman, with an expressive voice that recalls The Rezillos' Fay Fife, Ivy's Dominique Durand, and Echobelly's Sonya Madan. With 13 could-be singles (including a ripping cover of T-Rex's 1973 U.K. #3 '20th Century Boy'), Sick Note is a most engaging and invigorating debut.”
Mark Suppanz - Big Take-Over Magazine

“They've been kicking their punky-glammy sound around London for a while, but now you can take home your own parcel of Healthy Junkies noise in a handy wipe-clean package. This, the band's debut album, contains thirteen brash, immediate bursts of spunky, punky, pop, played with a fine appreciation of the full-fat glam-rock guitar sound. Just to make the point, the band include a cover of T.Rex's '20th Century Boy' here, but their own songs stake out the territory with plenty of crash and dash. There's a pop sensibility at work here, too, courtesy of Nina Courson's clear-as-a-bell vocals, which work rather well as a counterpoint to the chunky, fuzzy guitars. In a way, the Healthy Junkies are a twenty-first century Transvision Vamp, in that they blend their glam swagger with an accessible pop approach. At any rate, you'll be shouting along with 'Copycat' and joining in the chorus of 'Manifesto' within a couple of listens, I betcha.”
Michael Johnson - Nemessistogo

“If there really is going to be a grunge revival, Healthy Junkies are the most obvious candidates for stardom we've seen so far tonight, if only because their music has the essential ripped-up, ragged-edged quality. The band have got that tough-but-tender thing well sorted: the bass and drums kick the rhythm around with bovver boots while Nina Courson's vocals Jefferson Airplane over choppy seas of guitar. There's a bit of good old glam in that guitar sound, as it happens, but it's a shredded, tarnished glam that's got the grime of London streets embedded in it. Healthy Junkies walk the line between brightly accessible and enticingly disreputable. The guitar chugs and grinds like an overdriven cement mixer, but the vocals pirouette neatly around the scuzzy guitar-fuzz, even as Nina steps lightly round her patch of stage while the band stirs up the noise. The Junkies don't neglect the catchy chorus side of things, either: bet you half the audience will be singing Copycat all the way home”
Michael Johnson - Nemesistogo

“The Healthy Junkies kick butt, and they are a great antidote to boring sound alike pop songs.”
DA Bear - Bearly Rambling

“A mix of trashy rock'n'roll and glam/punk, perhaps with a few gothic undertones. actually, its a pretty nice balance between pop and harder edged-moments. Not entirely focused but certainly a good debut. Probably a band to watch out for.”
Andy - Fear and Loathing zine

“Copycat opens exactly as it says on the tin, powerful guitars underpin solid female vocals whilst the drums and bass add further depth to proceedings. The track itself is almost catchy in a way, the progression of the chords leans more towards the punk/grunge side of things and creates a track which is easily accessible and one which you’ll come back to again and again. I really like the way the vocals get layered at different times during this track as well, the combination of different lines creates an almost dark edge, it’s the combination of male and female vocals which do it and do you know what, it works! Throwing a guitar solo in to the mix just to make sure you’re still there and still listening, this track finishes as it begins leaving you with no doubt that this is going to be one hell of an album. ”
Dave Nicholls - Loud-stuff.com

“Melodic French edge meets English grunt”
Carl Byron Batson - Trebuchet Magazine

“Pop punk with a French accent courtesy of London based Healthy Junkies. Stripped-down production and straight-forward writing give this debut a real 70s era vibe. Nina Courson has a great voice for this, at once aggressive and innocent. She is backed up by Phil Honey-Jones, who also does a fine job on the guitar, as well as taking the lead vocal on Beaten Dog. They do a good line in addictive songs with a bounce and energy to them even when there's an angry element, starting with opener Copycat, about betrayal in a friendship. Lyrical inspiration tends to social commentary-Famous for being famous on the fleeting nature and hazards of pursuing reality TV fame, and Manifesto on the death of youthful idealism. Frozen Fields is one of the few down-beat tracks but even the darker minor-key rhythms are infectious. The sole cover among the originals is a faster-paced version of T-Rex's "20th Century Boy", done decently enough but an odd choice for a female vocalist. Promising debut.”
Clare Huckett - Black velvet magazine

“ust what should you expect from a band named Healthy Junkies and an album titled ‘Sick Note’? Junkie isn’t a term exclusive to Class A drugs; it can also be used to describe a personality trait that features a very strong enthusiasm for some particular activity. By their choice of name I sense that Healthy Junkies seek to challenge stereotypes and this ‘Sick Note’ summarises their ‘symptoms’. The lead track is ‘Copycat’, but I certainly can’t accuse the band of being copycats. They promote themselves as a Rock/Punk/Grunge/Glam band – as I’ve said before I prefer to look beyond such genre claims and decide simply, do I like! After all any one genre will inevitable include excellent acts as well as others who “could do better”. The track has no build up – from the first chords it’s there and ‘in your face’ with clear indications in the lyrics of previous disappointments.Nina’s distinctive voice helps to ensure that a recognisable sense of identity s”
Donald Strachnan - Generate radio

“The Healthy Junkies belong to a new British underground generation of bands counteracting the predominance of pop music in the Charts. On the scene for less than two years their debut album is a collection of 80's and 90's music gendres revamped in a modern and genuine style. The rock and roll spirit of the likes of Iggy Pop, Sonic Youth and Killing Joke can be felt in vocalist Nina, this extravagant mermaide whose attitude reminds a little of Blondie. This is garage rock at its best with some punk flavour witch manifest itself in 13 juicy tunes, energetic and fun to listen to but at times moody and deeper. "Copycat" and "Manifesto" are singles on a winning formula, others like "Trash My Love" and "Little Groupie" are frantic. There is a cover of T-Rex "20 Century Boy" which in itself is a reminder to us of their musical background. This band is very focused and active by playing quite a few gigs in England and just back from a mini-tour of France.”
Dagiesha.com - Dageisha

“Taking the best qualities of rock,punk and grunge, these London rockers create a flawless old-school sound.Vocalist Nina Courson leads the band with her harmonic yet punky voice.The songs represent the 'don't give a shit' attitude of punk and the melodies are energetic rock with constant drum rhythms and guitar lines. Healthy Junkies have definitely made a name for themselves with this record. They play numerous shows in the London area and are planning a U.K. tour for next year so don't miss out on the latest and best of the DIY underground”
Big cheese - Big Cheese magazine

“Sick Note: Interesting band these are! They describe themselves as grunge but I'd say there's a lot more to them than that! There's other musical influences thrown in the pot especially that of new wave. Damn! They even have a rock n roll tune thrown in there too! Nina the vocalist stands out here – Fantastic voice which fits so well with the music. Musically the band certainly knows how to play and their diversity shines through. Fave tunes for me include 'Copycat', 'Manifesto', Famous For Being Famous' and 'Big Dreams Of Tomorrow'. I hope that people check this band out simply because 'Sick Note' is one of those albums that is both creative and good listening experience. 8/10”
Steve DIY - Streetvoice

“Wrapped inside this trashy, cheap 'n' nasty looking DIY CD cover is possibly one of the nicest little surprise albums I have had to review this year. This female-fronted four piece hail from London and deliver 13 tracks of blistering, trashy, punky glam rock. Formed in 2009 by singer Nina Courson and guitarist Phil Honey-Jones, a shared love of Iggy Pop, Blondie and Nirvana brought them together and, backed by the wonderfully named Tjay Tarantino on bass and Steve Nightmare on drums, they bring us their debut offering, 'Sick Note'. Opener 'Copycat' is a song about a dispute between two girls over the theft of music and lyrics. It starts funnily enough with a nicked riff from D Generation's 'No Way Out' and then as Nina sings the first line we are in a NY Loose state of mind and that's fine by me, the world could sure do with another Brijitte West at the moment. The guitars sound like they are aimed from the crotch which is what I want from my rock 'n' roll, don't you?,,,,, ”
Ben Hughs - Uber Rock

“FAULT: What is your FAULT? Having French and English in the same band (Remember the 100years war!) ”
Fault - Fault magazine

“Healthy Junkies - Sick Note Bloody good trashy female fronted punk n roll a la NY Loose”
Bennyman23 - Uber rock soldiers

“Healthy Junkies are a highly touted female fronted band from London. They formed in 2009 when Lead Singer Nina Courson met Phil Honey-Jones. They were both in separate bands but sparks began flying... The first song they wrote together is my personal favorite track on this CD called "Glam Sister" They have already had two hit singles from this CD "Copycat" and "Trash My Love". The band is pumping a third single "Manifesto" . Paris born Nina Courson also adds vocals to the new Bubblegum Screw which was just recently released.. All in all this band is a fun pop/punk band with alot of potential.. On September 29th they plan a CD release party at The Dublin Castle Camden Town...”
Ginger Coyote - Punk Globe

“Fronted by the alternately breathless and swaggering vocals of Nina Courson, the band excel at peripherally gothic action rock, with an acid guitar solo cropping up from time to time on songs like'Manifesto' to drive the choruses kicking and stuttering over the cliff edges. At their best the band have a light-footedness to offset the thrashing: 'Famous for being famous' might be a fairly self explanatory observation of our times but the track jumps out of bed with enthusiasm before echoing 90s also-rans Sleeper with a fresh and fine chorus. Elsewhere if its thrashing you want its thrashing you'll get. 'Burn in hell' floors the accelerator with a Siouxie-gone-garage chorus while 'Exile' burns out the album to a description of 'Staring at your bedroom walls at dead rock stars', while Courson does a fairly realistic impression of a vampire flying in a bath tub of holy water. Cracking stuff.”
Cindy Suzuki - Artrocker Magazine

“Healthy Junkies are the newest project fostered by Altercation’s Nina Courson and Phil Honey Jones of Hiroshamour and combines their respective styles and influences into an exciting pop-grunge mix. Throw into the mix the powerful drumming of Steve Nightmare and TJay Tarantino’s punchy bass-work and the Junkies prove to be just as intriguing as their name suggests. The guitar hammers home irresistible, growling riffs showcasing incredible skill and the on-stage chemistry of the band members makes for an exciting dynamic. Healthy or junky - either way, I’m hooked. Following several single releases last year, debut album ‘Sicknote’ is due out very soon.”
Kate Ross - Sailingsound.com

“FRIDAY 21ST JANUARY **NEMESIS TO GO RECOMMENDS** HEALTHY JUNKIES, DELTA UNIT @ St. Moritz, Wardour Street, 22.00 (Healthy Junkies on stage 23.00, club to 03.30) 'Healthy Junkies are like a more rockin' Primitives...or a slightly less bonkers Queen Adreena. They kick fuzzed-out grunge riffs around with plenty of rock 'n' roll panache, but they know how to keep the pop hooks coming, too. This is an after-hours gig, as part of a rock club which runs through to the early morning.'”
Michael Johnson - lONDONGIGS.NET

“Healthy Junkies is a collaboration of Banana castle record label mates Altercation and HiroshAmour.Fast, frantic and conversley as glam punk friendly as it is grunge rooted, single copycat skids and skitters through a mad 3 minutes, delighting in eluding all attempts to pin it down as a derivative of anything on the musical horizon at the moment.”
Alison B - Bubblegumslut zine issue 37