
Former Champions / Press

“Breakneck beats underscore a swirl of organ, synth and guitar. Elements of '70s prog-rock mingle with dance-club grooves.” ”

Jonas Beals - Fredericksburg Freelance

“It was toxic and addictive. We wanted more." ”

Ben Cokeley - Magaaine 33

"Sensuous, funky grooves flowing in and out of free-form improvised sections, a sense of freedom within structure and a passion for making music. Overriding feelings of joy and discovery, a melding of talented musical personalities… The Former Champions are highly recommended.”

Alex Jaspers - Musemuse.com

““All the instruments are played so superbly and in varying fashion, that each song is unique in its own way.””

Sari N. Kent - Celebrity Cafe

““Quite exceptional.””

John Book - Music For America

““absolutely terrific compositionally, soloistically... Catch these musicians around Richmond. You'll be glad you did.””

Antonio Garcia / VCU Director of Music - VCU Jazz E-News, Vol. 6, No. 9

“The Former Champions bring us Funk.. They're fresh...driving up-tempo or dancing on waves of lightening, the band gives their audience a varied and fun-loving product.””
