


Visits: 188

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Bio: Starting at the age of 5, I knew I wanted to sing, Not knowing how hard it would be to get where I wanted with music... Singing with so many different groups and never finding what I needed to make it work, I[ALMOST] gave up... I had to do something and do it fast, So I went to a open call at the... See Full Bio



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Mar 31, 2011
Who Is Conquer Entertainment? Whether you are an artist, fan or you’re lookin... [more]
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  • Enoch. Arcane (Artist) Enoch. Arcane
    Stay Blessed! Best Regards! Sean!
  • Tameka Travon (Artist) Tameka Travon
    Thank you so much for becoming one of my fans!!!!!!! I wanted to show love to your page!
  • Amanda Pollard (Artist) Amanda Pollard
    leaving some love on your page!! ♥♥♥
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