
Craig Michael Curtice (F.K.A. curtice/markley) / Press

“Hoosier Oncology Group is blessed to have friends such as yourself and we are extremely excited about the opportunities the future holds with you. You are an extremely gifted and generous person - Thank you again! God Bless!”

“You both are really amazing! It is fantastic the musical talents and heart-touching abilities you both have together. God bless you along your journey!”

“Lavinia Wien Thank you so much. it is so very hard to find artists that care about what they do and do not care how much money they can rake in. You and your friends make music with a lot of thought and fun twists Original songs and lyrics that come from the heart but so unique!”

“The Long lost cousins are causing a bit of a stir on the Local Music scene!!”

“you are a unknown hero to many.I want you to know you are a HERO in my eyes god bless you and may the angels watch over you!”

Nena Hartley Snobl - fan comment

“People say Angels don't walk the earth better look again because you are a true angel for all you do!! ”

Rebecca May - Fan Comment

“Your doing a lot for the Veterans & our troops.that is very admirable of you to volunteer for the Purple Heart, time and also your song writing in support of our troops. Thanks again all you do for the troops & our veterans My son's name is Jon Burke.”

Jon Burke's Mom - Google Mail

“Dear Curtice: You are one of the greatest songwriter's i have ever heard. .”

“Best Country/rock Basement band on the Planet!!!!”

Me - Whew,wow