
catalyst: / Press

“It would probably be an interesting find to the fans of Mastodon and Tool.”

“It’s definitely a break from the same old metal out there today!”

“The samples of radio broadcasts, speeches and audio transmissions gives it that ‘apocolyptic’ feeling like a survivor trying to find some sort of hope that he is not alone.”

“It’s like hearing a scifi movie, I mean it is it’s own scientific, apocalyptic story. It draws on your thoughts with it’s melancholic and dark music, yet powerful riffs and intense vocals.”

“Hypnotic and unique!”

Amyrrhond - RN

“I'm out of words, Impeccable Work! Insanity in metal re-defined!”

Djentle Symphony - RN

“Thank you for being different!!”

mbernier71 - Reverbnation

“Demodulate: is almost a ballad instrumental post rock, pretty well made and only a break from all the hell created by this strong and complicated work that fans are sure to find. For followers of bands like Tombs, Neurosis, Altar of Plagues.”

“The fact is that listening to what was done by these people is a unique experience and quite original so to speak.”

“The music is unlike any other I have heard really. ”

“If you like your progressive shifts and melancholy in your music, these guys manage to border these two distinct styles and blend them into a very interesting ear soup”

“When the time comes, they can brutalize your ears with pounding drums and riffs”

“Very different than what is being played nowadays.”


“AMAZING! Unlike anything I've ever heard!”


“It’s well put together and seriously good”

Angela O'Looney - Angie's View and News

“They have something to say and their way of catching your attention works.”

Angela O'Looney - Angie's View and News

“These track are brilliant! I love the differentiation of sound and style amongst the songs. If only more musicians and bands were this refreshing.”

antonioluciferi - Reverbnation (Message)

"Your music sounds incredible. I really can't get enough of it."

sisa - Reverbnation

“Very sexy infectious sound...exactly what "Metal" is supposed to be!”

Vanity Girl - Reverbnation

“Awesome sound”

Rosechic84 - Reverbnation

“Love your experimental noisescapes!”

Naked On My Own - Reverbnation