
Alexander Shulgin / Press

“It was a pleasure to work with such great melodys as this, many of them expressing the emotions that words cannot express”

Paul Drew, producer

“When we recorded the vocals for the album I thought instantly that this was a project with real musical sentiment... A refreshing sound...”

Laura Whittle, vocals

“Recording the album was a very harmonious experience a definite sense of peace transcended into the studio and made everyone feel part of something beautiful. The soaring melodies and tranquil harmonies brought the studio to life. It was a experience to remember.”

Pete Barringer, producer

“So we feel grateful for the artist for his sincerity and invitation for communion.”

Yuri Rozum, People's Artist of Russia, pianist

“It is a look at oneself, at life, at one’s past and future. A look that can be sheared easily with us, with the listening public, because this look belongs to us and to our life too.”


“Musing of "Lestnitsa k Solntsu", сounterpoints of "Primadonna", evanescence and clarity of "Verneshsya", carnality of "Santimento Paterno". A soul is following it’s reflection in sounds, sometimes feeling sad, sometimes feeling joyful, time and again feeling nostalgic…”


“Alexander Shulgin’s piano album to me is a world view of now a wisdom artist on his way from complicated to simple”
