
MK ULTRA / Press

“There are things known, & there are things unknown, & in between are the Doors.”

L ron Cupboard - Lucid Beast

“MKULTRA is the Best/Worst thing that ever happened to me.”

Jon Bon Holy - best/worst weekly

“Lets cut to the chase. MK ULTRA is the best hip hop I've encountered in 2015.”

Anuerythm - Sick Weekly

“M K U L T R A could possibly change the way modern America feels about music, more specifically the beliefs & rules/limits & restrictions surrounding the current genre based systems of sound which, instead of bringing people together, separates & fragments the One into many, rendering the unification & Evolution of the counter-culture.....counter-productive.”

Son of Flynn - Awaken & Rise

“Wow. Psychedelic Hip Hop.....a New genre. Genius.”

James Phoenix - The New Art of America

“My grandfather passed away last week.......and for some reason everytime I listen to MK ULTRA, a spectre resembling my late pappy does the Sumarian Shuffle in my bedroom.....”

Lucas Plex - Undead Gangster

“So I thought I knew what Really good original art sounded like.......& then I heard MK ULTRA, after I shit my pants, came & threw up @ the same time...........I realized I didn't know anything.”

Frederick Dumas - M K monthly

“& what were the civilians listening to @ the time of the incident? M K U L T r A”

- - - - - - - Activation Report: 12/27/15

“hey have you heard that new thing on the internet called M K U L T R A? No, what is it?.............I don't know, but it made me feel different & I broke some stuff in my room.”

timmy & jim - Conversation heard on a Thursday

“A friend told me about a new sound he heard that changed his life, unfortunately whatever he heard also changed his entire modus operandi, & the color of his soul...........reports indicate he ascended on a thursday, near the village Lafayette, leaving behind a small child w/a tattooed forehead .........the tattoo read M K U L T R A. The child evaporated 3 weeks later.”

Heronimus Lex - Mysterious Sounds