
Howmet Playhouse

Whitehall, MI


304 S Mears Ave, Whitehall, MI, US
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Capacity: 391

Bio: The Historic Howmet Playhouse has been in almost constant operation since its opening in 1916. Built by the renowned Chicago director Frank R. Adams and local business owner James Nufer, its design was copied from Chicago’s LaSalle Theater and was built for professional live theatrical presentations and the new “flickers”, or as we know them today, motion pictures. The playhouse has been greeting White Lake area audiences ever since. The Playhouse hosts many events, from its FIRST FRIDAYS concert series the first Friday of each month in the spring and fall seasons, to the community collaboration of the "HarborLight Movie Night," to producing local community theatre, rentals for conventions and private promoters, instructing educational arts workshops, housing fund raisers, our professional Fine Arts Festival, etc. We are most proud of our partnership on the "HarborLight Movie Night" which offers free showings of classic films on our big screen, the first Thursday of every month, year-round. In 2011, we will feature entirely MICHIGAN music with our FIRST FRIDAYS series, to help support the musical artist's community of the mitten in this difficult economic time. We're also continuing our community theatre, a group started in 1913 called the White Lake Dramatic Club. they will again be featured during the 2011 Summer Fine Arts Festival. Join us soon, for music, food, beer and wine, community, films, and theatre! You'll be glad you came...



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