
The Buzztown Band / Press

“I am so happy to introduce you to The Buzztown Band, a kids band that is based right here in Durham. Why do I want you to know about them? Because they are great…”

“As a veteran of the Triangle music scene, Brian Buzby has faced his share of low turnouts. But when he and his Buzztown Band took to the Broad Street Cafe stage two weeks ago, it was, as he happily proclaimed before kicking off the first number, the largest gathering he had ever played for. Buzby wrote an album of kids’ music—not the cloying Raffi kind, but more like the laid-back rockin’ of post-Modern Lovers Jonathan Richman, with a backbeat and a good smattering of shoo-bee-doo-wop. He understood he had to write music that parents could stand to listen to, while keeping the subject matter aimed squarely at the juice-box set. The result is Time Off For Good Behavior, whose CD release party packed the kid-friendly café. Despite a paucity of rehearsal time, the six-piece band acquitted itself admirably throughout, maneuvering through the disco groove of “Robot Dance” and the hoedown-tempo take on the ABC song, “ABC Billy,” with aplomb... and the show went off without”