
Quimera Music / Press

“There is nothing that compares to reviewing an album with the highest distinction, as it is the case with Quimera Music’s phenomenal new album IMMORTAL. Their vocalist, Quimera, is unlike any known female rock vocalist out there, unique amongst all. Quimera’s contra alto range helps set Quimera Music in a class of their very own. Simply put, a superb album all around! ”

“Sultry femme vocals combined with gothic cellos, operatic choirs, atmospheric keyboards, concerto percussion and the fluid contemporary guitar work of composer Patrick Rundbladh. There’s really no doubting Quimera’s talents, who not only writes from her soul to touch others across the human divide, but also possesses an enviable professionalism to strive for the highest standards in both songwriting and musicianship.”

“Once again, Quimera Music has escaped into the shadows of the night to discover dreams in flight on IMMORTAL. An epic, orchestral masterpiece encompassing love, triumph, loss and self-rumination, the album tows the line between Heaven's eternal reign and Hell's darkest forces. In her quest to conquer this insurmountable battle between good and evil, Quimera finds that her spirit and her own truth are immortal.”

Sandra Castillo - Music Critic, USA

“Quimera Music's 'More Than Human EP - Remastered' is an escape from the ordinary and a must for serious music lovers.”

Top 40 Charts.com, USA

“Quimera Music has a unique Gothic presence that is at once captivating and disturbing. Quimera’s voice is like no other I have ever heard, but somehow reminds me a little of Bjork. The darkly captivating themes of More Than Human EP - Remastered range from the aggressive sounds of “Immortal” to the delicate “Merula (Ouverture)” and “Danse Macabre.”

Dana Wright, Music critic. - Muzicreviews.com, USA

“One of the main forces inside this band is the classically trained singer Quimera. More Than Human EP comes to a total apotheosis on the marvelous last song “Danse Macabre”. This song is quite dreamy while driven by bombastic drum sections and the heavenly voice of Quimera hanging over the track”

SIDE-LINE Magazine, Belgium

“Quimera Music's latest masterpiece, More Than Human EP - Remastered, trips the psyche, fantastic! With its sonic alchemy of raging guitars, blistering percussion and ethereal vocals crying out to the heavens, this is sheer musical perfection... triumphant, invincible, a tour de force with which to be reckoned! Once again, Quimera Music has proven to the world that she's more than human.”

Sandra Castillo (Talent In Motion Arts Editor) - Talent In Motion Magazine, USA

“Quimera's voice is remarkable!”

Kostas Sotiriou - Subexistance Music Magazine, Greece

“If the music Gods are fair, she will be a supernova!”

DJ Lugosi - The Outer Limits Radio Show, USA

“Another world awaits us as we enter the perfect tempest of her Love and Madness”

S. Castillo - San Diego Troubadour, USA

“Quimera Music brings emotions to the surface, she transports you to places not thought of before”

Fernando efe PI - La mission de los eternos Radio Show. Argentina

“Musicianship that hooks you in”

Kevin Trotter - The Beat Surrender, UK

“Brilliant debut! As enigmatic and mysterious as the artist herself”

Talent In Motion Magazine, USA

“A velvet voice with a mystic sound... superb!”

Isis Ledezma - Batcave Radio. Venezuela

“This music touches the soul!”

Thomas Grossklos - Radio Banane, Germany

“Pure Magic!”

Gert - Music... what else Webzine, UK

“Unique Heart Touching Musical Landscapes”

Dr. Manhattan - Nightbreed Radio, Portugal

“With Quimera Music, Heaven and Earth dance, as lovers, beneath my feet”

Sandra Castillo - Music Critic, USA

“Exquisit, Refresing and Magical Music!”

Marcela"McKland" Kruger - Volver a la Magia Show, Argentina

“A New Gothic Siren has hit the Airwaves, leaving her contemporaries behind!”

DJ Po - The Trinity Radio Show, UK

“Innovative and Powerful”

JC Sierra - National Caravaca Radio, Spain

“The ‘New Thing’ that the music industry is looking for”

Ankh Ra - Vocal Coach Guru, USA

“Sublime and Moving”

Dj Rob - Radio Gets Wild, UK

“Love Quimera’s Compositions!”

DJ Wishmaster - Metal Messiah Radio, Greece

“Amazing Sound!”

Bernard Hugues - Radio Quartz, Belgium

“Unforgettable music and voice!”

DJ Alejandra - Radio Millenium, Mexico

“Unique sound with meaning behind all lyrics”

Daryl Green - New Sound Magazine, USA

“Quimera echoes a voice of Passion”

Radionic - CraterTech Magazine, USA

“Quimera Music has eclipsed her own expectations with the release of IMMORTAL, her third album. A majestic orchestral masterpiece, encompassing love, triumph, loss and self rumination. ”

S. Castillo - Really Great Magazine [Double Page Article]

“Quimera's voice reminds me of deep, warm, melted chocolate! Absolutely delicious and leaves me with this - I want more - feeling. (On Quimera's voice feature on The Desire Of Ages Soundtrack)”

Nancy Hamilton - Film Director/Producer - The Desire Of Ages (Feature Film, 2013)