
Saliva / Comments

Shaun Holbrook
Shaun Holbrook  (almost 15 years ago)
Dude i got to see you guys in ft.wayne Indiana and you guys blew the top off that building.You guys kick ass!
scrapinarkigirlctmh  (about 15 years ago)
I hung out with you guys when you came to El Dorado, AR can't wait to see ya'll again!!! Just don't throw a MOnster can at my head next time! ha ha ha it was cool to have a bruise though, I got to show it off to my friends!
Ages Apart
Ages Apart  (over 15 years ago)
Hey there. Thanks for the add! Keep Rockin, Ages Apart
The 69 Lines
The 69 Lines  (about 16 years ago)
Hey Guys! I really like your sound... I have since I first heard it a few years ago. Keep Rockin! Stop by and say hello when you have a chance. JS
Flight by Midnight
Flight by Midnight  (about 16 years ago)
Hey guys keep on rockin! Yeah!
dynomatica  (over 16 years ago)
I hope you guys can play in Tulsa, OK sometime. We're dying out here.
Nihilistic Bliss
Nihilistic Bliss  (over 16 years ago)
Whats up guys. Its Josh from Nihilistic bliss, just wanna say you guys are fucking awesome. You were just in Harrison AR, on the 29th. I missed your show cause I had a show that night as well at Alternative Body Creations. I heard you guys fucking rocked. Sorry i missed out.. This was our bands first show, and the turn out sucked cause you fuckers were in town.LoL. any way I'll catch you guys next time, when we open for you.lol
cdianed  (over 17 years ago)
Come back to Evanville soon - you guys rocked the house!
It's just Leslie
It's just Leslie  (over 17 years ago)
Dude, why is there only 1 song on this site!? It was hot.
submit_2_love  (over 17 years ago)
I saw that coming up soon Saliva will be a warm up band for Three Days Grace. What? That can't be right? Saliva is miles down the road ahead of TDG. Saliva performing in a guest spot for TDG, is like having 3 Doors Down perform in a guest spot for Clay Aiken...just goes to show ya'...some shit in this life just don't make sense...