
Guy Coronado / Comments

Otto Zone
Otto Zone  (over 11 years ago)
In celebration of the up coming Galactic Alignment all 48 songs on my RN page are available for free download so please come by and help yourself !!!...oz
Foxman  (over 11 years ago)
Thank You Guy ! Foxman Music is one of the funnest rides in the entire park. Don't be afraid !! Jump on in and hold on tight. Statistics have also found that people who listen to Foxman Music on a regular basis experience an increase in good luck :)
THEY KNOW  (over 11 years ago)
Thanks for joining our Musical Family here Guy. Music is the Global Tuning Fork. peace- TK Hope you have a listen and enjoy our tunes!
GFB  (over 11 years ago)
Hello Guy, Thanks, I realy appreciate the time you take to listen to my instrumental electric blues, I whish you a very good day. Gilles
Otto Zone
Otto Zone  (over 11 years ago)
Passing through showing some love !!! Hope you're having an awesome weekend !!! Peace and good times my friend...oz
Johnny Rei
Johnny Rei  (over 11 years ago)
Thank You so much for Your kind comment :) Please check Your inbox for more info. Love, Johnny.
Remi Desroques
Remi Desroques  (almost 12 years ago)
bonjour! Just stopping by your place to say hi from Japan, introduce myself and hopefully make you interested in my project, the Monthly Tune! All produced, composed or arranged by me. merci.