
Sureli / Comments

ACE 1  (about 11 years ago)
Blue Summerstar
Blue Summerstar  (over 11 years ago)
Amazing Production and Delicious Voice. Awesome
DNA 88
DNA 88  (over 11 years ago)
Nice work Sureli, Really liked that "Listen Up" track #Respect #ClevelandSupport
Unique' AngEL
Unique' AngEL  (over 11 years ago)
When it Hurts goes HARD!!! Dopest track ever almost like R&B ROCK I LOVE IT!!!
Mr. Take A F7ick
Mr. Take A F7ick  (over 11 years ago)
7ove the music! keep grinding! HARD WORK PAYS OFF! make sure you check out my new video an 7et me know what chu think thank you 7ove! P7EASE 7EAVE A COMMENT!
Splash Pachino
Splash Pachino  (over 11 years ago)
Great sound!! Send me your email got a few tracks you can hop on..keep killing em!!
Doughphresh Da Don
Doughphresh Da Don  (over 11 years ago)
SPRL BLACK LUNG  (over 11 years ago)
_______´$$$$`_____________________________,,,_ _______´$$$$$$$`_________________________´$$$` ________`$$$$$$$`______,,________,,_______´$$$$´ _________`$$$$$$$`____´$$`_____´$$`____´$$$$$´ __________`$$$$$$$`_´$$$$$`_´$$$$$`__´$$$$$$$´ ___________`$$$$$$$_$$$$$$$_$$$$$$$_´$$$$$$$´_ ____________`$$$$$$_$$$$$$$_$$$$$$$`´$$$$$$´_ ___,,,,,,______`$$$$$$_$$$$$$$_$$$$$$$_$$$$$$´_ _´$$$$$`____`$$$$$$_$$$$$$$_$$$$$$$_$$$$$$´_ ´$$$$$$$$$`´$$$$$$$_$$$$$$$_$$$$$$$_$$$$$´_ ´$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_$$$$$$$_$$$$$$$_$$$$$´_ ___`$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_$$$$$$$_$$$$$$_$$$$$$´_ ______`$$$$$$$$$$$$$_$$$$$__$$_$$$$$$_$$´_ _______`$$$$$$$$$$$$,___,$$$$,_____,$$$$$´_ _________`$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$´_ __________`$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$´_ ____________`$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$´_ _______________`$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$´_ Good friends to perform a few minor miracles (;\m/;) in the classical sense metal fans on revebnation evil hails horns up! we still have all the desires and the tendencies to thank you for supporting New York Underground Death Metal to open up to the fans minds to higher levels of old school punk rock music all time unity from back in the day which creates tremendous happiness for old school punk's and death metal fans black lung creates happiness for everyone have a super week my friend stop by and say hello and leave us a comment we love creepy and fun Comments the essential balance and innocence we are happy to have you as a fan (;\m/;) Funky Best Of Luck Listen Up You Have a Pretty Voice
Youngsmoove  (over 11 years ago)
Hey great music and great voice keep up the good work come by and check out my music and let me know what you think and feel free to drop and comment and fan back thanks
Poet On Watch
Poet On Watch  (over 11 years ago)
Thank you for making songs for the young women. Yes. www.poetonwatch.com