
ChordSlinger n Lola / Comments

SimonComposer  (almost 14 years ago)
Hi and thanks for the fan add! Great music here, unique songs that really stands out. Beautifully arranged and a great voice too. I enjoyed listening very much!!!
Idjit Savant
Idjit Savant  (almost 14 years ago)
Hello and Thanks for the Add- interesting, original stuff here...and you named a song after me..albeit a rather sad one! Congrats on the Neil Young compilation add, I love Neil's stuff, one of my All Time favorites. Rock on, Martin- Idjit Savant
Leland Luster
Leland Luster  (almost 14 years ago)
Dearest LOLA and Crew,your music is alive with truth bless you greatly. Could you share some of your music at> www.loverevolution2.ning.com, or www.911implosionsecretamerica.ning.com, your future fans are waiting to embrace your spirit of love for the truth :-) Leland Luster/LVNv.
Jay&Em  (almost 14 years ago)
Absolutely amazing music!!
Marie Sinclair
Marie Sinclair  (almost 14 years ago)
Hi from Scotland,coulndn't resist Martin's Song(our son's Martin).Love your stance we're steeped in politics too,respect from Marie
aFusion  (almost 14 years ago)
Stopped by to say hello. Very interesting work here. Your music has a voice.
kenny nunley
kenny nunley  (almost 14 years ago)
hi thanks for the add and this is some awsome stuff ,real powerful beautiful voice so GOD bless your friend kenny
The PhysicistS
The PhysicistS  (almost 14 years ago)
Yo, fellow members of holographic !! Very well done stuff, loving the kinda floaty propelling melody structure, pretty voice as well. Greetings from Helsinki hardcore science underground !!
Magnolia  (almost 14 years ago)
Awesome political message to your song. And who is going to clean up BP? For everyone that doesn't live on the Gulf Coast, everything the news says is a bold lie. Don't believe shit that BP says. And they spent more on commercials assuring us they working. Than they spent actually working on it. Don't buy BP gas.
The Black Gorillaz
The Black Gorillaz  (almost 14 years ago)
nice to b ur fan n friend.. i aggree wth stop this war... greeet. gori