
Ecologyngle / Comments

DEL RIO BAND  (over 13 years ago)
WONDERFUL MUSIC!!!!!!LOVE IT!!!!JEN del rio band
More Than Words
More Than Words  (over 13 years ago)
You have a very unique sound/style. I like it! :)
Norwood Grimes
Norwood Grimes  (over 13 years ago)
Red sure is beautiful, what a cool song. I dig it a lot, & I'll be back for more.
Page can't be displayed
Page can't be displayed  (over 13 years ago)
Hi Patricia, long time no hear.... Hope you having been doing well. Love & Peace
Crimson City Romance
Crimson City Romance  (over 13 years ago)
'You know I love you and that's all you need to know ", You are our Valentine ;D
Frenchmartians  (over 13 years ago)
hi!!!thanks a lot for your comment and your friendship!!!!good good luck from mars!!!
ORANGE BLUES BAND  (over 13 years ago)
very cool musics...love the piano sounds...good job!!
Lonejellifish Music
Lonejellifish Music  (over 13 years ago)
thanks so much for stopping by! nice keyboards and voicings on "mother earth rose"! i love the middle- out... really good feel! keep up the good work my friend! pete
Andrew Vass
Andrew Vass  (over 13 years ago)
Aw you're so kind :) Thanks so much. I truly appreciate it. I'm loving your tracks as well. Can't wait to hear more. Take care
Berightbacksoon  (over 13 years ago)
COngrats!!! very nice work!! cheers