
ettuspadix / Comments

Franz Holzhauser
Franz Holzhauser  (over 10 years ago)
really great...
434  (over 10 years ago)
Hitherside  (over 10 years ago)
Creativity at it's best!! Continued Success!
Meander Lane
Meander Lane  (over 10 years ago)
If we climb on our roofs with our amps & crank them up, we could have a jam session. Enjoyed listening to your crazy creativity. All the best from down the road.
Franz Holzhauser
Franz Holzhauser  (over 10 years ago)
your wonderful music sweetens the gray day... Greetings
ettuspadix  (over 10 years ago)
All the joys of life are here! Respect and love from dear old Blighty. Thank you, Franz.
BadgerStatic  (over 10 years ago)
Cool unique sound and playing!
Lavabo Incongru & Diaenoxe
Lavabo Incongru & Diaenoxe  (over 12 years ago)
que raconte la courte prière? en tout cas c'est top comme ambiance!
Jay Stapley
Jay Stapley  (over 12 years ago)
I can honestly say I've never heard music quite like it: marvellous isn't the word!
FLAtRich ~ Rich La Bonte
FLAtRich ~ Rich La Bonte  (over 12 years ago)
the Facebook of Notre Dame got me over the hump. to paraphrase an old punk, obscurity is an energy...
Tarmacians  (almost 13 years ago)
The Collective greatly admired your cultural contributions and embrace your hand of friendship. There is no truth only what belief constructs...