
YounG $tephluR / Comments

Groupe Ionosphere France
Groupe Ionosphere France  (almost 14 years ago)
Hello thanks to be a fan, Iam a fan to your project is interisting
Ever Supreme
Ever Supreme  (almost 14 years ago)
Good looks
Logan  (almost 14 years ago)
Ay ya muzik go ham bru real talk, juxsz though ill stop by n leave a lil support/respect, i would like a lil support if u dont mind need all the support ikan get thx!
AMP-ONE  (almost 14 years ago)
aiight my dude! keep doin what you do! joined the street team so I hope you do the same for me
Gator Marley
Gator Marley  (almost 14 years ago)
Digg the musik Big Homi Keep it up.Gator Marley
Amara Love
Amara Love  (almost 14 years ago)
love it
Illiaximus Acropolis
Illiaximus Acropolis  (almost 14 years ago)
hot musik goin on here bro. keep it up
THINY - THINY PRODUCTIONS  (almost 14 years ago)
safe 4 becoming a fan man, luvin the tracks G, that back then is a sick track love it. keep doin your thing. safe Thiny
suzy bevan
suzy bevan  (almost 14 years ago)
Loving your sound;).
ETHEORYAL  (almost 14 years ago)
check uz out the DUBB going hard ETHEORYAL (WWW) MUCH PROPZ TO YOU AND YOURZ