
Daniel David / Comments

BUMTUNEZ/Randy Duran
BUMTUNEZ/Randy Duran  (over 9 years ago)
Musical hey''s 'n hi's; I-B Johnny-D's pops. Highly enjoyed your tunez...swell tunesmithing! Poignant guitar work on "Kino's Blues"...."Butterfly" is really lovely! Keep on keepin' on 'n workin' on your swell gifts. Many success' wished yer way!!
ROBERT CARNEY  (almost 12 years ago)
"No Good At Being Bad" Rocks man! Good hook and well played. Like your tune "Get Off My Back" as well. Sounds like maybe some tough times, but some good songs came out of it, if i may say. Cheers!
Julie Cotterill
Julie Cotterill  (over 13 years ago)
Silent Scream is fantastic!