
Johnny Bonkers / Comments

Nancy Rice / Silence in motion
Nancy Rice / Silence in motion  (almost 10 years ago)
Johnny, you certainly posses that Awesome Brilliance and you do Shine. Here playin your tunes. Have a Wonderfully Creative day dear Friend. Nancy
Thadeus Project
Thadeus Project  (almost 10 years ago)
oh yea! showin the love from chicago. support with respect always my friend. best to you and yours. g
LunariaN  (almost 10 years ago)
really enjoying the TIME FOR PEACE
KC Daleigh
KC Daleigh  (almost 10 years ago)
Wonderful music from an absolutely awesome person and friend is warming my evening tonight.
pinksideofthemoon  (almost 10 years ago)
Keep on Dancin Johnny Bonkers..another full Super Moon on its way...Have a creative week end!
Heleana Maria
Heleana Maria  (almost 10 years ago)
Hi Johnny, Thank you; for taking me on a beautiful ride to see the stars in my mind and float on a cloud while listening! So Dynamic and perfectly blended is Star Projectory!
Kim Guthrie
Kim Guthrie  (almost 10 years ago)
Showing love and support over this way. Hope you're doing well Johnny.
Heleana Maria
Heleana Maria  (almost 10 years ago)
Hi here again good friend Johnny, Cant stay away from these Amazing Creations that speak to my heart and touch my soul as well! Peace and safekeeping and thank you, Heleana Maria
MARYANN  (almost 10 years ago)
"Indirect Light" bounces off the moon the stars dance like fire flies in the night sky. A wonderful weekend for you Johnny cause I'm bonkers for ya. ...=_=... ♥
Isa Conar&White Weapons
Isa Conar&White Weapons  (almost 10 years ago)
Hello Johnny. INDIRECT LIGHT is a great song. I think is is nice to driving (?). Enjoy your weekned. Isa