
Denne / Comments

ymdemulder  (almost 13 years ago)
Liking your bio and nuthing wrong with being an ole boy..your age has been through a great era in MUSIC ;).....Loving your sounds they rock very funky "Dream Catcher" is awesome..Rock on! :)
Crimson City Romance
Crimson City Romance  (almost 13 years ago)
Great music Denne !
Z1  (almost 13 years ago)
keep doin ya thang
Linda Marlowe
Linda Marlowe  (almost 13 years ago)
Beautiful, peaceful works of art!
Denne  (almost 13 years ago)
Thank´s Linda, I wish you a nice and joyful weekend, Denne
SUNT  (almost 13 years ago)
thank you Denne. keep up the good work. cheers from here to there. andi
healingcolors  (almost 13 years ago)
...and I wish you a lovely weekend...relax and enjoy pure...always a great pleasure to stop by and listen...<3...your punky angel...xoxox..
healingcolors  (about 13 years ago)
...thank's for love and share...just listen...Where The Sun Shines...big big cheers...great music...much love...your punky angel...xoxox...
Ecologyngle  (about 13 years ago)
Hi Denne * enjoying the lovely "Flying Dreams"... fantastic musicality! cheers from sunny so. fla * Patricia
SHADOWMAX  (about 13 years ago)
ck out new songs low down blues -POPPYLAND SLIDE BARNEY and good hearted woman
Raylene Waye
Raylene Waye  (about 13 years ago)
nice work!! great sound!!!! cheers :)