
Satchwood / Comments

Art Kalenda
Art Kalenda  (over 13 years ago)
hey bro,cool new tune....keep pumping them out...thank you for sharing my friend....art
Jordan Reyne
Jordan Reyne  (over 13 years ago)
more!! This really rocks Satch. Man, can you play that guitar!
Diego Ayala
Diego Ayala  (over 13 years ago)
Tommy, good to hear more tunes cranking from the south land - Within/Without and She Devil sure warms one up => it sure adds and helps to stay warm up here = thanks for sharing Arizona's warmtth for my use in Alaska!!!
PROMIZE®  (over 13 years ago)
She Devil that reminds me of someone!great song
Martins Bizarre World of Sound
Martins Bizarre World of Sound  (over 13 years ago)
nice chops dude! M.
johnnyrocker  (over 13 years ago)
Cool Tunes! The man can rock! ~JEB
Idjit Savant
Idjit Savant  (over 13 years ago)
Hello and Thanks for the cool words man, I appreciate your taking the time to listen. These tunes are my creative outlet these days, always nice to get positive feedback ya know? I like "She Devil", cool vibe there, also "Bass Stealing"- will check out more in the future~ Keep Rockin!
Blame Eddie
Blame Eddie  (over 13 years ago)
Cool tunes man , great work...keep spreading the luv of music...it's what we do best;) just Blame Eddie
MisterNelson  (almost 14 years ago)
Man that "She Devil" is a smoking tune. You rock Brother.
Diego Ayala
Diego Ayala  (almost 14 years ago)
Another excellent tune, and that bass adds a lot of depth to the song! Keep stealing bases!!!!