
Ntellekt-Songwriter/Producer/Vocal Producer/Arranger/Composer / Comments

Dabier  (over 7 years ago)
Really Great Music.. Good Sounds !! Keep Working...
MIRA  (over 7 years ago)
Killer stuff! Love your vibe! We would love to hear what you think of our new song, RELIEF!
Lynda Linda
Lynda Linda  (over 7 years ago)
Joe Hester
Joe Hester  (about 8 years ago)
Wow! Great sound!!! Love your cover photo.
Y Lizzie
Y Lizzie  (about 8 years ago)
feelin the flavor, listen to my new song Hott As Me and like my bandpage at www.facebook.com/ylizzie lates
Truth Beatz
Truth Beatz  (about 8 years ago)
Shit dope
Martzician Productions
Martzician Productions  (about 8 years ago)
Heard you Echo Music and instantly became a fan. We hit up your other social media sites as well. Thanks for the great music! www.facebook.com/ROAtheBand
Ecologyngle  (about 8 years ago)
"Me N You" AWESOME R&B vocals!!! Love your uplifting spirit. Magical. Lots luv, ty & cheers * Patricia :)
Todd Apfel
Todd Apfel  (over 8 years ago)
Really great tracks!!
daly redline
daly redline  (over 8 years ago)
\m/>>>sweet sound ♬♥♬\m/🎶 🎶🎶🎶