
Digee / Comments

Georgian Court Exp
Georgian Court Exp  (almost 14 years ago)
Riding High Tonight is written with passion and honesty. You can relate it to John Prine a little bit. I can feel the love in your music
Chris Nathan
Chris Nathan  (almost 14 years ago)
Good luck in everything you do my friend. Thank you for the word up!! Peace
Marco Maenza
Marco Maenza  (almost 14 years ago)
Hi Digee, thanks for the comment. I really like "Let's Get Married", great sound! but I'm enjoying the new tunes as well.
Sharen Wendy Robertson
Sharen Wendy Robertson  (almost 14 years ago)
Love "California Waits For Me." What a pretty song. Thank you for writing it. Peace.
Marco Maenza
Marco Maenza  (almost 14 years ago)
Hello Digee, thanks for the nice comment. have a great weekend! take care, Marco
Prototypz™  (almost 14 years ago)
Digee, we DIG your laid back style KUDOS!
Eden Langworthy
Eden Langworthy  (almost 14 years ago)
Howdy bro, Thanks for checking out Heaven. I am glad you like it.I hope all is well my reverb bro. Eden
BASEMENT ROCKS  (about 14 years ago)
Great Song Writer ! Cool Feelings ! Like walking Through the Woods On a Sunny Day! Very Uplifting ! B-rad Stone BASEMENT ROCKS!
Shivpreet Singh
Shivpreet Singh  (about 14 years ago)
coming back to listen to the beautiful sounds ... Love "Soul Wonders" -- guitar and vocals especially beautiful
Rod Fritz
Rod Fritz  (about 14 years ago)
Hey mate, glad to be stopping by for some of your awesome tunes. Thanks, Rod