
Kate Fletcher / Comments

John Moukarzel
John Moukarzel  (almost 13 years ago)
Great stuff! JM
THE TIME BOMB  (almost 13 years ago)
Hi Kate! Thank you for the fanship! Playing all your awesome tunes right now :-)
Thadeus Project
Thadeus Project  (almost 13 years ago)
really fine sound you have. great voice and delivery!! respect from chicago. g
Denne  (almost 13 years ago)
Hi Kate, Really Great music and voice ! It´s an honor to have you as a fan, makes me happy that you liked my stuff, thanks for your comment ! Wish you all the best in career and life, Take care and keep on "Catch the Beauty of Life"/ Denne (the stiff-fingered,fumble-handed hopeless "go by heart", kind of a guitarist/musician/music-maker )
Todd C. Stone
Todd C. Stone  (almost 13 years ago)
you have a very professional sound, great tracks!! all my best to you :)
Lyme River
Lyme River  (almost 13 years ago)
Kate...you're amaazing! Great page & music....keep it going strong! Peace n Love! xos ~jimi river~
bourne undaground
bourne undaground  (almost 13 years ago)
great music, lovin it
Daniel Johnny Johnson, Jr.
Daniel Johnny Johnson, Jr.  (almost 13 years ago)
I love your voice and singing style
John Moukarzel
John Moukarzel  (almost 13 years ago)
Great stuff! JM
Otto Zone
Otto Zone  (almost 13 years ago)
Yo Kate, Your voice sounds amazing, "Run Dry" is incredible, love what you're doing here!!!!