
BARE WIRES / Comments

Spirits Of Another Day
Spirits Of Another Day  (almost 12 years ago)
Rocking you > > B W ! Peace from Sunny Detroit City !
Control Boys
Control Boys  (almost 12 years ago)
Hello my friends! Been too long since I have had the opportunity to enjoy your excellent tracks.
Rich Pulin Musical Family
Rich Pulin Musical Family  (almost 12 years ago)
You sound great! I have a song (not recorded)on a lead sheet that I believe is right in your 'wheelhouse' and I'd like to send it over by e-mail, if you don't mind. Plz send your e-mail address... Keep up the good work and KIND REGARDS! Rich Pulin Musical Family
BARE WIRES  (almost 12 years ago)
You are welcome to send the song to dougl@turbonet.com if you'd like. We'll take a look at it. No promises, but you can be assured that your song is safe with us.
Smith III (The Smith III)
Smith III (The Smith III)  (almost 12 years ago)
Nice work! I came by to show you some love and support, you can return the favor by stopping by out page. Put A Stamp On it!
RADIO  (almost 12 years ago)
hello there again bare wire! listening again! bare wire is what my friends call me when i drink too much!listen to:RADIO and tell us what you think,thanks!
John Else
John Else  (almost 12 years ago)
Great stuff--great fun--have fun guys!
Marco Maenza
Marco Maenza  (almost 12 years ago)
listened yesterday some tunes and I love it! great sound! Marco
Irish Roots Cafe house band
Irish Roots Cafe house band  (almost 12 years ago)
Appreciate the connection and all the best from the Irish Roots Cafe, home of the oldest Celtic songs in the world !
The Bar Pilots
The Bar Pilots  (about 12 years ago)
Hope you guys are playing a bunch this summer. Don't stop the rock!)
Donnie Stovall
Donnie Stovall  (about 12 years ago)
Great style,great blues,great lyrics,,,,,,