
Iga Victoria / Comments

KEN DULIN  (almost 10 years ago)
Good to see you ! I'll be back to listen : )
Lamont Wilkins (WHProse)
Lamont Wilkins (WHProse)  (almost 10 years ago)
Congrats on that #1 spot Iga and thanks for becoming a fan of my spoken word! Keep working hard to get yourself heard & much continued success to you!
XmafaX  (almost 10 years ago)
Amazing vocals! Great work Paulo
NICK AND THE JAMMERS  (almost 10 years ago)
Hello Iga girl;great production here,beautiful voice,success,peace !!!! Nick:)
Martini Garden
Martini Garden  (almost 10 years ago)
Nice job!!
TJ Clark
TJ Clark  (almost 10 years ago)
One Last Chance will be Aired on TJ’s Muse Bridge 7-13-14 show starts at 10 pm GMT, 2 pm PT, 4 pm CT, 5 pm ET on Muse Boat Radio , Join us in the Chatroom http://museboat.wix.com/multimedia
Yankee Rhoad
Yankee Rhoad  (almost 10 years ago)
Your song made my mourning better ♫\m/♫.
AITG/Agony In The Garden
AITG/Agony In The Garden  (almost 10 years ago)
Excellent song! One Last Chance Rocks! Cheers!
Chuck Paul
Chuck Paul  (almost 10 years ago)
NICE JOB!...keep at it!...ITS ALL THERE....
motherlode  (almost 10 years ago)
A future star here!! Excellent work!! Be back soon