
Jaykle / Comments

ZEUS  (about 13 years ago)
Thx bro! Really nice tunes u have here....keep doing great job! ;)
Robert Machado
Robert Machado  (about 13 years ago)
Nice tracks, original groove
Katamonks Dapidjin
Katamonks Dapidjin  (about 13 years ago)
Hey Jaykle Thanx for finding me this is my new project Katamonks Dapidjin Kat.
Laura Marie
Laura Marie  (about 13 years ago)
5 Day Buddhist - brutally honest ;)
JD Greer
JD Greer  (about 13 years ago)
You Rock ! Its was my pleasure listening to your music ! JD Greer
ProjektWANJA  (about 13 years ago)
Soul Groove really grooves the soul-very good tune!!!
Jaykle  (about 13 years ago)
THE INVISIBLE DREAM AVAILABLE SOON http://www.facebook.com/pages/profile/154974391214665
runaway hudson
runaway hudson  (about 13 years ago)
hey man great music. You bring together a lot of different styles in a good way. nice to hear something new! - Runaway Hudson
DITRADEM  (about 13 years ago)
Hello,congratulations, very nice work, Have a great weekend, best regards, DITRADEM
Zoe Zobrist
Zoe Zobrist  (about 13 years ago)
Really like Soul Groove! ~ Zoe Ann