
Washington Espínola / Comments

Jeffrey Whitman
Jeffrey Whitman  (about 11 years ago)
"Feeling Allright" is a wonderful tune, love the vocal and guitar harmonies !
Washington Espínola
Washington Espínola  (about 11 years ago)
Thanks , Jeffrey ! Take care ! WE www.wespinola.com hhtp://www.facebook.com/WEespinola.com
Ryjin  (about 11 years ago)
Thanks for your support & for connecting with me on Reverbnation :) Keep up the good work!
Michael's Workshop
Michael's Workshop  (about 11 years ago)
Great songs Washington! Refreshing diversity here
Washington Espínola
Washington Espínola  (about 11 years ago)
Thank you , very good surprise and comment too ! WE
Ladyshark  (about 11 years ago)
Riding my bike oh yeah! Love it.
Washington Espínola
Washington Espínola  (about 11 years ago)
Hey , nice surprise ! thank you ! WE www.wespinola.com hhtp://www.facebook.com/WEespinola
Francy85  (about 11 years ago)
Great sound! "feelin alright"
Washington Espínola
Washington Espínola  (about 11 years ago)
thanks ,,,nice surprise ! hope to hear from you soon ! Take care .. WE www.wespinola.com hhtp://wwww.facebook.com/WEespinola
Washington Espínola
Washington Espínola  (about 11 years ago)
Thanks for the comment ! Have a great weekend ! WE
Si THOMAS  (about 11 years ago)
Light and feel good. Solely inspired the lyric - "The whitespace on a busy page."
Washington Espínola
Washington Espínola  (about 11 years ago)
Nice comment! Thanks a lot ! WE www.wespinola.com hhtp://www.facebook.com/WEespinola
The Tornaparts
The Tornaparts  (about 11 years ago)
Whoa...these are great tunes, man! Plus, that double-neck rules!
Washington Espínola
Washington Espínola  (about 11 years ago)
Thank you guys ! Hope to hear from you soon ! WE www.wespinola.com hhtp:www.facebook.com/WEespinola
Robert Watson
Robert Watson  (about 11 years ago)
Your music rocks.
Washington Espínola
Washington Espínola  (about 11 years ago)
Thanks , man ! Yours is great too ! Take care ! WE www.wespinola.com hhtp://ww.facebook.com.WEespinola
Benita Baugh
Benita Baugh  (about 11 years ago)
Just had to listen to New Shoes,just had to take my new shoes off,as my feet are killing me.Ha.Keep making good songs,Hope you will take time to listen to my fun songs also. Regards BENITA..
Washington Espínola
Washington Espínola  (about 11 years ago)
Thank you for the comment ! Wil listen to you too ! take care ..! WE
The Glumsters
The Glumsters  (about 11 years ago)
Hi there;) GREAT Work!!! Nice;)