
Ami "Rayne" Rob / Comments

DJ Antonio
DJ Antonio  (about 9 years ago)
Sunny afternoon... great to hear such good music! enjoy your evening! DJ Antonio
Ami "Rayne" Rob
Ami "Rayne" Rob  (about 9 years ago)
Hi! I hope all is well, DJ Antonio. 😆
Curtis Drew
Curtis Drew  (about 9 years ago)
Dream away Im feeling. Thanks for the love. We should work.
Ami "Rayne" Rob
Ami "Rayne" Rob  (about 9 years ago)
Thanks!! You know how to get in touch. Keep me posted. Peace to ya!
PAY MOE💯💯🦍  (about 9 years ago)
i see u.
ALYSON  (about 9 years ago)
Chris Lougeay and The International Hustlers
Chris Lougeay and The International Hustlers  (about 9 years ago)
Hey Soul Sister! Thanks for adding the International Hustlers! You rock!
Professor P-Soop
Professor P-Soop  (about 9 years ago)
Spittin' like there's poison on your tongue indeed! Hydroplane is an other knockout track!
Professor P-Soop
Professor P-Soop  (about 9 years ago)
The So Game lyrics are just brilliant! Full of fierce intellect, wit and lots of moxie. Can't wait to hear more, especially since you say you're not devoted to any particular genre (me neither!). Glad to meet you.
TAZ  (about 9 years ago)
So Game is a dope track... Keep Pushing... Plz Watch My newest Video LEAVE HIM TONIGHT 15,000 Views in 2 weeks
Erin Masterson
Erin Masterson  (about 9 years ago)
"Clocking Out" the rhythms are gripping! I really love it. Great job.
PHRUISHUN  (about 9 years ago)
I listened to all 5 on your page. Good work! Nice variety!