
Forever Four / Comments

T&Vproject  (almost 11 years ago)
Cool, I like your music!
Greedy Graffiti
Greedy Graffiti  (almost 11 years ago)
Great music! Keep it up!
The V.U.'s
The V.U.'s  (almost 11 years ago)
Thanks gorgeous girls for your gifts ...many blessings for your kind hearts & words...you are on your way xoxo
WiX  (almost 11 years ago)
so much talent in so little girls! Amazing! don't loose it and make it grow up as much as you can!
Jonni Chi 13
Jonni Chi 13  (almost 11 years ago)
Thank you, ladies, again, may you continue to be Bless. Your voices are so warm, beautiful and truly heart felt. You are an amazing team. God Bless!!
R. Pickett Bugg
R. Pickett Bugg  (almost 11 years ago)
It's My Life ...awesome song & great vocals!. Wishing you all the beat!. Thanks for being a fan!. Peace ~ Pickett
Janice Kephart
Janice Kephart  (almost 11 years ago)
What beautiful young voices with such clarity in your songs and delivery! So lovely that you found me, and thank you so much for your kind voices. May you inspire many! Janice
DUKE  (almost 11 years ago)
God Bless you guys. Keep making a joyful noise unto the Lord. ANd whoever is composing your songs, is doing a GREAT job! Keep them around. -Universe Media
K. O. L.
K. O. L.  (almost 11 years ago)
Awesome sound and music ministry. Love to work with you all in the future. God Bless.
K. O. L.
K. O. L.  (almost 11 years ago)
Love the sound! God has blessed you all with a wonderful and powerful music ministry. Keep up the "Praises" and serving The Kingdom. God Bless.