
Manuel Joseph Montoya / Comments

Juice Cannon ™
Juice Cannon ™  (about 12 years ago)
Glad to be friends with you here on RN Manuel, great tunes and performance, peace...Nick, JC.
The Pizza Kings
The Pizza Kings  (about 12 years ago)
'Here Comes The Wolf' very nicely written & played. Best to you - TPK
Jean-Marius Nicolau
Jean-Marius Nicolau  (about 12 years ago)
"Here comes the wolf",,,Like!
Cindy Lee Alden
Cindy Lee Alden  (about 12 years ago)
Greetings,Manuel! Well,I'm impressed.Great guitar work and vocals!Hope to hear you on the radio one day...
Johnny Bonkers
Johnny Bonkers  (about 12 years ago)
Fabulous guitar on wonderful songs sung in a Manuel Joseph Montoya style that together is superb to listen to,great to know you are getting your music out there and get fantastic response,have a most rewarding week Manuel, its a joy to be a fan, Peace and World Love, Johnny
Paula Shupe
Paula Shupe  (about 12 years ago)
I LOVE your voice! Your tone and your phrasing are ridiculously good. Your unexpected lyrics are awesome against the stripped-down acoustic sound....Can't wait to hear more!!!!
Eva Rivera-Ferrell
Eva Rivera-Ferrell  (about 12 years ago)
Heyyy!! Playing your music right now! Showing luv and I just became a fan!! How r u? I would love for you to "Like" my facebook page and if you have one send me the link and I will press that “like” button as well!! Let’s support each other!! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Eva-Rivera-Ferrell/279288528800525?sk=app_2405167945
Marek Starx
Marek Starx  (about 12 years ago)
heavens! Your music is perfect! I loved "Here Comes The World" since the guitar started to play! All the best, Manuel! Marek.
Dionne Lightwood
Dionne Lightwood  (about 12 years ago)
great guitar playing and lovely vocal
RANDY BARB  (about 12 years ago)
some great music here Manuel!! Nice clear vocals, good guitar work, great lyrics!! keep up the good work and best of luck!!