
RT Carter (The Poor Carters) (ASCAP) (International Folk Alliance) Member 'CBA' / Comments

BlackRue  (almost 11 years ago)
We live 2 miles from The Philadelphia Folk Festival, the oldest music festival in the USA. We love it, we go every year and you should make the trek and perform! Good music!
RT Carter (The Poor Carters) (ASCAP) (International Folk Alliance) Member 'CBA'
RT Carter (The Poor Carters) (ASCAP) (International Folk Alliance) Member 'CBA'  (almost 11 years ago)
Thank you for the wonderful comment. I've always played folk music, and it would be great to play at the festival..Thanks very much for listening....RT
GreatMindsInside  (almost 11 years ago)
“The artist’s task is to save the soul of mankind; and anything less is a dithering while Rome burns. If artists cannot find the way, then the way cannot be found.” -Terence McKenna
Watzreal  (almost 11 years ago)
Keep up the great work
teteroom  (almost 11 years ago)
Excellent music in here! I really am enjoying your tunes! -Tete-
Leslie Boyko and Trilby Station
Leslie Boyko and Trilby Station  (almost 11 years ago)
Top notch. You've got an excellent groove going on! Thanks for the fanship~
RT Carter (The Poor Carters) (ASCAP) (International Folk Alliance) Member 'CBA'
RT Carter (The Poor Carters) (ASCAP) (International Folk Alliance) Member 'CBA'  (almost 11 years ago)
Thanks. Really enjoy your music too. RT
0  (almost 11 years ago)
Loving your sound! I like the guitar the singing the harmonica and the violin is excellent!
RT Carter (The Poor Carters) (ASCAP) (International Folk Alliance) Member 'CBA'
RT Carter (The Poor Carters) (ASCAP) (International Folk Alliance) Member 'CBA'  (almost 11 years ago)
Thanks for listening to my songs. i just happen live next to New Brighton State Park. Might be a connection there. Kept up the good work, Very creative sound. RT
Arlie E. Newberry
Arlie E. Newberry  (almost 11 years ago)
Thanks for the fan and support. Fanning you back. Love your music God bless you.
Cindy Smith
Cindy Smith  (almost 11 years ago)
Happy 4th of July week for all my music friends on Reverb Nation! God Bless America! Cindy
She And The Boys
She And The Boys  (almost 11 years ago)
Thanks ♥
Rosendale  (almost 11 years ago)
thanks so much for your support! awesome work