
Jimmy Alexander / Comments

The Amorous Effect
The Amorous Effect  (almost 11 years ago)
Hey thanks for checking out my music, I just made my Reverb Nation page so I'm glad people are checking it out. And by the way, I really like your music, You should throw some vocals on there cuz your stuff is really good, I'll keep checking back :)
Breck Stewart
Breck Stewart  (almost 11 years ago)
Great sound and very unique abilities in display, thanks so much for checking me out and it was a pleasure to add you back and also joined your newsletter from 1 new fan.
Creative Minds Production
Creative Minds Production  (almost 11 years ago)
Keep up the good grooving Man. It's real good. Stay together, & keep in touch. C.M.P., & The 4th Quarter Band.
Scott Abene - Guitar
Scott Abene - Guitar  (almost 11 years ago)
Some great stuff going on here.
Michelle Kasajian
Michelle Kasajian  (almost 11 years ago)
Listened to 'Obstacles of Life' Great song, great musicianship! I look forward to coming back to hear more soon!
Just Dan
Just Dan  (almost 11 years ago)
Some killer arrangements Jimmy!
EURO ROJAS (NANO)  (almost 11 years ago)
crunchy guitar sound....great job
13 BoneZ
13 BoneZ  (almost 11 years ago)
Man you rock-this is Steve-o from 13 BoneZ-we just hit #1 on the reverb rock charts-come check us out.
Den Lauzon
Den Lauzon  (almost 11 years ago)
Hey Jimmy! ...Thanks for the support! ...yer a purveyor of some FINE rock there my man! ..keep'em coming.
Wonderland Syndrome
Wonderland Syndrome  (almost 11 years ago)
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