
Instrumental music / Comments

joe karse
joe karse  (almost 9 years ago)
Loving the jams coming my way this Sunday, truly talented... Joe karse
Phruishun (pronounced "Fruition")
Phruishun (pronounced "Fruition")  (almost 9 years ago)
I listened to your first 5. All the beats ae DOPE, bruh! "Private Dance" is FIRE!
Septembers Rest
Septembers Rest  (almost 9 years ago)
Thanks for the add! Nice beats
Troy Scott aka Redeemer'
Troy Scott aka Redeemer'  (almost 9 years ago)
Nice Work fa-real!!! Keep grindin' over there at CentricBeats!
Malone  (almost 9 years ago)
Tight work! Hot tracks-how much you charge? -Thanks for support.
K. C. Beckmann
K. C. Beckmann  (almost 9 years ago)
Enjoyed listening to your outstanding music this morning! Best wishes!
Steven Davis Jr.
Steven Davis Jr.  (almost 9 years ago)
Very Nice Instrumental mix with Great Driving Beat. Steven Jr.
magicsong  (almost 9 years ago)
"Getting Paper' has a great play of sounds. ~Magicsong
Richard Cooksey
Richard Cooksey  (almost 9 years ago)
Cool sounds and beats. Best of luck to you and the best of wishes. Richard
BBK  (about 9 years ago)
bbk dropping by 2 show some love