
Vini Cruz (vinicruzlive) / Comments

DJ Cyxx 6
DJ Cyxx 6  (almost 13 years ago)
You are right "That" is what music is all about ............ Tight I'm feeling it do your thang..................................... DJ 6
Orchid  (almost 13 years ago)
Shem Scott
Shem Scott  (almost 13 years ago)
Stay Blessed as usual!!!
splintered reality
splintered reality  (almost 13 years ago)
just fanned you on fb too...horns raised great work! -rick of SR
kenny nunley
kenny nunley  (almost 13 years ago)
hey vini thanks for the add and comment I WISH YOU THE BEST GOD bless your friend kenny and remember CHRIST is the best friend we will ever have
Joesf Glaude
Joesf Glaude  (almost 13 years ago)
Very cool...
Raven Hawke
Raven Hawke  (almost 13 years ago)
Hello Vini...Very nice cover of a band that is is very hard to mimic or emulate their tight sound. Mad sik guitar playing you set the frets on fire and the bassist is off the hook fantastic, the drummer is in a class all his own..rarely do people/fans realize that the drummer is the key to the timing and rhythm that melds the harmonious sound a band emits. Props for the variation of the guitar stylings and the innovative overall sound. True talent you possess within your band and in yourself. Good luck in all your musical endeavours. AMAZING SOUNDS~~~^ ^~~~ RAVEN 7/2011
Norwood Grimes
Norwood Grimes  (almost 13 years ago)
You are a good guitarist. Reminds me of early chilis. Slovak & Frusciante.
Ron Sillito
Ron Sillito  (almost 13 years ago)
Hi Guys, LOVE Your tune, really different, But really ENJOYED it..>>
LAL  (almost 13 years ago)
THank you for your support, great work. Best wishes..