
October Road / Comments

Fabrockators  (over 10 years ago)
Hey, no problem, thanks very much for the compliments. Outstanding songs and vocals. Best of luck and success!
Georgeanne  (over 10 years ago)
Hello Heather and Jeff, you voices harmonize so nice! We really like your music! Lot`s of greetings and thanks to you for your great support! Georgeanne
KC Daleigh
KC Daleigh  (over 10 years ago)
PRAY is an awesome song. Your vocal harmonies are the greatest. ~kc
The DoPe Brothers
The DoPe Brothers  (over 10 years ago)
Loved the harmonies and clean honest guitar playing on Aspiration.
Meghan Ritmiller
Meghan Ritmiller  (over 10 years ago)
I love your sound! Your voices really harmonize so well together. Wishing you all the best, I am a fan!!
XPANSION THEORY  (over 10 years ago)
Stopping by to show support
Highland Drive
Highland Drive  (over 10 years ago)
Hello October Road! Stopped by to listen to Way To Go! What awesome harmonies and cool tunes! We are fans! Highland Drive
The DoPe Brothers
The DoPe Brothers  (over 10 years ago)
Love folk music so I'm a fan for sure :)
Official Outcome
Official Outcome  (over 10 years ago)
Stopping through this manic Monday to listen our friends' music here on Reverbnation. Always a pleasure to support our friends here. Love and Blessings :)
KC Daleigh
KC Daleigh  (over 10 years ago)
Listening in and enjoying HEATHER ANN this afternoon. ~kc