

Cormorant's Fancy
Cormorant's Fancy  (about 10 years ago)
Thanks for your support! Stopping by to do the same!
Massimo Ghianda
Massimo Ghianda  (about 10 years ago)
Very nice tracks here! All the best. - Max
Quan Chi aka Quan Chizzle
Quan Chi aka Quan Chizzle  (about 10 years ago)
"Ghetto Revelation" has a nice vibe. Keep on doing you out there.
Vocalatti  (about 10 years ago)
Sweet sound!
Elishema  (about 10 years ago)
Hey, thanks for becoming a fan, stopping by to show some love, wishing you the best
Zeus Rooster
Zeus Rooster  (about 10 years ago)
Dude- you got some major skills. Mucho respect. Nicely done!
Jaiz  (about 10 years ago)
Thanks for the support! - JaizMusic.com http://Facebook.com/JaizMusic http://YouTube.com/JaizMusic http://Twitter.com/JaizMusic http://Myspace.com/JaizNet
Suzanna Kay
Suzanna Kay  (about 10 years ago)
very nice work here like your style .. stay on the path that gets you there ,,
Billy Lee
Billy Lee  (about 10 years ago)
Awesome music you have here, like the style, like the sound! Keep up the great work! :) Drop by and have a listen to my songs if you have time and leave your comments, it would be much appreciated! :)
EYE 2 EYE  (about 10 years ago)
Love the way you groove my friend !! We all do wish you all the Best from Paris