
Vacancy Labour / Comments

LEROY KROME  (almost 12 years ago)
thanks for the love and that comment see you and facebook.
The Shane Alan Swaim Experience - A Journey Through Americana in Story and Song
The Shane Alan Swaim Experience - A Journey Through Americana in Story and Song  (almost 12 years ago)
I am listening to "Stay." This song brings back alot of memories of 1980's Rock. Great Vibes. Sincerely, Shane
IMPURIA  (almost 12 years ago)
Great music! keep it coming! hit us on fb we´ll be glad to hit ya back! https://www.facebook.com/pages/IMPURIA/115583945152144
Pace Ride
Pace Ride  (almost 12 years ago)
Great stuff!!!Keep up the excellent work!!
THE TIME BOMB  (almost 12 years ago)
Much thanks for the add, friendship and your awesome tracks! Cheers from THE TIME BOMB KA-BOOOOOOOM!
Mark Brooks
Mark Brooks  (almost 13 years ago)
Tight, solid tracks!! Exceptional work, guys... lets hear more!!
90's Baby
90's Baby  (over 13 years ago)
u got some gewd music keep it up real talk feel me keep it up on the real bt yea wen u get a chance peep my music out help me get them plays like i did i would appreciate it alot aite holla back at me plz.1 love!
Leipe  (over 13 years ago)
great sound..great music..awesome!
Missy S.G
Missy S.G  (over 13 years ago)
keep makin music..much luv
Vacancy Labour
Vacancy Labour  (over 13 years ago)
We will! you do the same! lots of love!
Todd C. Stone
Todd C. Stone  (over 13 years ago)
great tracks!!