
Stitched Up Heart / Comments

Gate57 - Songwriters/Producers
Gate57 - Songwriters/Producers  (about 13 years ago)
great sound guys...and powerful vocals..have a happy sunday !
project2025  (about 13 years ago)
god bless Bob Dylan we luv you, as the moon touched, the stars and the roof tops of all good people sleeping and dreaming, a cyclonic power hose traveling at speeds faster the any human can imagine!, and with the power of a hole universe of luv, phenomenal cosmic volts reaching straight into the center of the you universe to mend the heart and stitch sole!, of all creation "Stitched up Heart!" have taken control, of your poison nation!!!! to all the bands you guys are phenomenal and my special luv to jamie of "BARD", you play violin beautifully, it was so nice meeting you, you are so sweet, with a giant heart, take care and stay groovy sweet heart peace luv light sound and flower power <3
Where The Fallen Lie
Where The Fallen Lie  (about 13 years ago)
love the tunes guys!
splintered reality
splintered reality  (about 13 years ago)
fantastic vocals layered with solid guitar and drum work...impressive! -rick (SR)
project2025  (about 13 years ago)
Hi there Mixi how are you? well I wanted to go to your show, however I am going to be working I got booked on a movie and I cant get out of it, I wanted to go and show support, and have a super groovy time at your show, and to meet you and your crew, I luv your music it is way cool, stellar star light in the universe of uncertainty, and a whole galaxy of luv, miss you mixi, luv your favorite hippie you luv to hate, luv you more angel, stay groovy sweetie peace luv light sound and flower power <3
Between Fate
Between Fate  (about 13 years ago)
Greetings from Denver. Love the music! Keep it up!!!
Evolove  (about 13 years ago)
We <3 u guys!
True Witness (Official)
True Witness (Official)  (about 13 years ago)
Mixi you rock, what a great voice!!
project2025  (about 13 years ago)
peace luv light and flower power <3
Enoonmai  (about 13 years ago)