
MaGGoT Ent. (MaGGoT Mgmt.) / Blog

"The Epidemic" soon to be released......

With all tracks finish, only left to work on bonus materials exclusively for Street Team (So hurry up and join!) BooTH's First solo project "The Epidemic" will be released just in time to be used as the perfect stocking stuffer for your friends and loved ones!!!!!!!

New Track!

Check out BooTH's new track Don shit......and for all you Devils Rejects fans...you might take a liking to this one!!!!!

4:20 Midnight Release!!!!

Tonight the world waits no more.....The unleashing of "ZomBiE MuZiK". The first release off Booth's long awaited, highly anticipated solo mix tape project "The Epidemic"... Keeps your eyes peeled for more tracks coming soon and feed back is always welcome!!!!

Thank you for all your support

-MaGGoT MgmT.