
Marla Davis / Blog

Heads Up For POWERFUL Performance by Keith

One HELLUVA Powerful Performance by Keith Curtis coming up at The Rhythm Room in Phoenix https://tickets.aftonshows.com/keithcurtis

The Show Calendar Gray List

Let me give you a little history on this: AftonShows.com booked Keith Curtis at the Phoenix Rhythm Room for an appearance during the venue's twenty-year anniversary.

The Problem: No matter which social network avenue I choose to promote Keith's appearance, I run into gaps. The gap between ticket purchases specifically for Keith, and the venue's calendar is wide.

To you, dear reader, the problem is akin to grocery shopping. When a shopper wants a certain grocery product to be more visible, you get in return: "Oh. That's up to the distributor."

In the case of AftonShows booking Keith, AftonShows is the distributor. The grocery store is the Phoenix Rhythm Room. So, when I go looking for a direct link to the venue for fans, I find that Keith is on the bottom shelf of the calendar display, in the gray area way down below the prominent calendar. "That," says the kind and respectful Rhythm Room, "is up to AftonShows."

The public perception is that Keith must not be very good, since he is not prominent. In reality, it's all about money. Understandable. What is missing?

Well, 'what is missing' could be one (or more) of two things. First, he did not pay enough for the prime slot; or, he put his funding into quality over a long period of time. Which one of those two options do you recognize as valid?

Best wishes, Marla Davis


Out of the proverbial clear blue, comes an opportunity. Keith Curtis has been accepted as a VIP at the 2011 Independent Music Summit. Since Keith's music has proven itself through airplay throughout his career, we can only surmise that he was chosen for this year's event because of his durability and persistence. Certainly, it is not because he makes a lot of noise; certainly, it is not because he is flashy; so it must be something else. Luck? Maybe. Are we ready for this opportunity? Absolutely! Is our body of work mature enough to wend our way through the maze of this summit? Does it take skill, or is it all in how many Swarkovski crystals we can sew onto our lapels in time for the soriees? Come the end of September, 2011, we will know.

To My Fans

I search the digital horizon for signs of opportunity. As with you, my friends, I see an ever-changing digi-scape of complexity. Together, we sign up for this and that; here and there; and, it gets tiresome. It's a whole new way, this promo business, that results in the same old rejection. If there is a difference, it is in that 'rejection' has turned into us being ignored -- passed over in the passive sense. This is no time to give up the chase, because there are more opportunities than ever before. Whether you hear from me directly or not, I work on your behalf to the best of my ability, to get recognition for your talent. It's a crap shoot, naturally, but we must press on. Thank you for taking the chances with me. Together, we slowly make our way toward our dreams in a blazingly fast world. Best wishes, Marla

Every Time

Every time I sign up somewhere, I find out I have more opportunities if I sign up someplace else, which then offers me more opportunities to sign up for more opportunities. I've lost count, lost my names, lost just about everything. But I keep on signing up because that's what representatives do!

~KrossThred~ Band Of The Mighty

This band is a crafty bunch. They have character, and make an event wherever they happen to be. Each band member brings a piece of their corners of the world to the table. They find the best food, best drinks, and best audience no matter where they go. This is an open, friendly bunch of sharp guys with quick wit and lots of go-power! They are a must-see! to satisfy the craving to get away from it all and have a great time!

News And Press Releases

Dear Me!

Press Releases and News Releases are similar, yet have different applications. Take my word for it, or look it up. Either way, it's a manager's job to do the homework and get the news out.

News wires and presses have highly specific information requirements. At one time, any old body could blast out a 'press release' with a couple of old guidelines.

Then came the digital age. Now, a release can fly at the touch of a button for a few bucks. Big Bang for the Buck! Here is the trick though: The release has to be better than anybody else's, and it has to be exactly accurate in the precise manner in which the information is presented to the submitter.

Until a few years ago, targets for releases were tediously studied, culled, and selected to receive the release. That meant obtaining and retaining vast collections of data, which rapidly deteriorated. The storage of data required laborious, tedious upkeep.

Musicians think it still works that way. They always will.

Outdoor Manager Indoors

An outdoor person doing an indoor job. The closest this manager gets to outdoors is when a window is open in the early quiet hours. That's when the work gets done. Day upon day, I gaze at the abundance of sunshine, and I think to myself 'pretty soon,' and another month passes ... Maybe a font needs changing first; or, the colors are off a hexadecimal or more. On budget and overdue, the corporation must go on. Several loads of laundry pass before the right words fall into place for the promotional material. You'd think the heat was off for a bit, but no. Maybe five drafts down the road, things cool off. Even then, at least one of the five high end software programs has to be coerced into making the mechanicals (envelopes, letterhead, postcards, and the letter itself.) Somewhere in there Zazzle awaits the creation of custom postage for the mailing. Yes, snail mail. Snail mail still trumps e-mail and voice messages. You think this should be easy. Awww, I see we still have lots to talk about ...

Go For A "Midnight . . . " Skinnydip " . . . Somewhere"

The Keith Curtis And Doug Haywood product has launched. "Midnight Somewhere," has punch, kick, drive, and the salve to soothe. We bring it; you sing it! Happy listening ... Best Wishes, Marla Davis

Stepping On Heads

The art of graphic arts lies in the details. When a bunch of pictures get together, lots of things can happen. Like, one of the subjects might be underneath another subject's foot in the photo above it. Worst case is when the corner of a photo points to a very personal space. It's all in the details. Anybody can make a CD cover. And there are some fabulous graphic artists who can make your head spin with dimension, motion, and otherworldly colors. But take a shoebox full of photos, and slap them in that 4.5 x 4.5 square, and you have another situation altogether. I am out of covers. There is not one more cover coming off of this kitchen table. No, sir, not one single more cover shall cross this pine slab. It's in the proof now, and will be going to press within 24 hours. Then we have to live with it forever. "Midnight Somewhere," a collaboration of some of the finest songwriting you will ever experience, is on its way to you. By Keith Curtis and Doug Haywood. Genre non-specific. All acoustic, and soon to be all yours.