
Boot Lyfe Records / Blog

High Speed Trap Collection: Free Beat release!!!!!

Producer Tony D has just released another one of his featuring instrumentals from the resent release " High Speed Trap Collection" Instrumental Album, Via ~ Hulkshare Come download now ------- http://www.hulkshare.com/e9hww0uy2fpc

High Speed Trap Collection

New instrumental album is already back in the mix. Producer Tony D recently released an epic introduction to his identity as a great Producer/Singer/Song writer and + with the instrumental album "Tony D Edition Beatz" and now working on a a new Instrumental Album Called High Speed Trap Collection" Instrumental Album coming soon and close to finish.

New producer on the rise

@ProducerBigMel is now no longer Co producing but lead of his own production now as an independent producer of Down South Bound Entertainment.