
Whispers of the soul / Blog

Sometimes I just feel like running away

So yeah today I came to face this truth everyone's kinda denying. They know it deep inside but they never speak of it! I just hate how humans have become! They're just machines anyone can control through power and money.

I heard this story of a man who stopped talking after his wife's death. He went into a deep phase of pain and instead of having those around him that comfort him and tell him that everything is going to be okay, they just ditched him and left him alone in the streets and described him to be crazy. They actually thought he lost his mind! Why?! What did he do that actually caused them to think like that? Him not speaking anymore? Him having emotions? Him feeling sad for the one person that could feel what he felt before him saying it? Is it wrong to be a human these days? Even animals are more humane than my kind in this time we're living in.

What happened to us? Why don't we have any conscience anymore? Why is it so easy to betray and backstab the ones we love? Why don't we see that it's just wrong to see something wrong happening and not do anything about it? I'm just sick of this world! Why is it when someone needs you, you find them doing the impossible for you, and when they're done using you, you're just thrown away like a worn out shirt unneeded anymore?! Why do I feel like humans have no souls anymore?

It's just hilarious how the right people are always misunderstood and the people who are wrong are always respected and treated like kings. It just pisses me off how the wrong person always get to have the end call! Isn't it ironic how you can see the ones you love lie to you before your eyes and you can just do nothing about it? Why is politics controlled by the strongest rather than people with sense? Why are people being punished for the religion they choose? What's happening out there? 'Human' is the new word for 'monster'. They hurt and they kill without thinking twice about it.

What happened to humanity?


I know this has nothing to do with music or anything but I'm seriously fed up! I haven't been sleeping these days and it's seriously annoying! N it's not like I have something worrying me or anything preventing me from sleeping or that someones banging on my door the whole night! It's just that I simply can't sleep because of an unknown factor! And ive tried everything n i mean it everything! I tried sleeping with the AC off I tried sleeping in a different room I tried sleeping in different positions it's just useless! N as I always say "the only thing u learn from trying is not to try again" so yeah Because of this I end up having an awful headache every single day! N nevertheless I still hv to deal with my family! N trust me that's something! Anyways I guess I'll retry sleeping again! I'm getting sick of Internet nd technology these days! So I'll catch u later! Keep rockin.!.