
Dex The Hex / Blog

Still on a mission.....

....to get people using Reverbnation to find new talent....to buy new music....to cut out the greedy, corporate middle-men and get revenue to where it is needed....the CEO's of the streaming companies need a new yacht way less than most musicians need a new set of strings....or paid up electricity and stuff.....check stuff out....if you like it download it....for the price of a Starbucks.....encourage your friends to do the same....Spotify is lazy....be better! xxx

Two Years Gone

So two years have passed since I set out on a mission to get more fans involved with Reverbnation....and very few artists have heeded the call and spread the message......still Reverbnation is populated entirely with bands trying to encourage other bands to buy their stuff whilst being utterly unwilling to buy anyone elses stuff....this my friends is unsustainable....this is like playing a great bar gig with some other acts, not advertising to the public and trying to sell cassettes of and T-shirts of themselves to each other...when no-one came to the show. This could be the Spotify of undiscovered talent...but only if we can get Reverbnation trending to the level where it can compete with the bigger corporate streamers. On my own music pages there are less than one genuine civilian fan per 100 bands. I myself don't expect to sell anything or to find fame and fortune....others work quite hard at it.....isn't it a shame it doesn't seem to be working. :(

Leading by example!

I've opened a fan account in the hopes of encouraging others to do so..the ratio of bands to listeners here is woeful....if a band makes a noise and no-one but another band hears it...was it a noise at all....or something like that! There is a load of talent here....let's make this as big as itunes, spotify or youtube...encourage everybody to sign up. :)