
solidstatefan2006 / Blog

Granger and Trent

Comming up Granger Smith and Trent Wilmon will be playing At Dosey Doe in The woodlands. Have both of there cd's and they are awesome. It's 12 to get in and then if ya want dinner come arly,they have amazing dinner's. See Ya'll there...October 27th @ 9pm!!!

Another Gr8 show at the Doe....

Well, Friday night at Dosey Doe had an awesome show. Angela Wood opened up fro legendary Hal Ketchum. First off Angela was amazing. Her voice is clear and amazing. Her Husband TJ palyed guitar and played awesome. She happened to also play a role in Blake Shelton's video,"She wouldn't be gone". Then Hal came on and yea....he is and will always be an awesome performer. Will have pics up soon from the show.

amazing Show....

Well, My Friend Kyle and his Band put on an amazing show. Will have pics up soon. They had an opener. he name is Susan Gibson and she was awesome. Her BIG hit that was sung by a group that I am not found of the ____Chicks. Yea, I don't that Group at all. But overall the show was awesome and his cd will be out in November. Ya'll take care and Git-R-Done!!!


Yea I thought that would grab your attention...lol. Well this Friday for anyone that is local, @ Dosey Doe in the woodlands my Friend Kyle Hutton has a CD release party. It's 20 to get in and you also get a downloaded advanced copy. what ever that means...hope he has his cd there as well. LOL. Seats are filling up so call if ya wanna go.

here at work....

Well, I am at work and missed a great show at the woodlands Pavillion. Brad Paisley and Dierks Bently. Who ever went write to me and let me know how the show was. Wish i was there. Also, who ever lives near Dosey Doe in the woodlands Kyle Hutton Band has a Cd release party next week starts @ 8:30. Seats are going fast....20 cover that includes a downlaoded cd.