
thepreacherlady / Blog


I still don't understand why i prayed for skippy. My daughter is in the jouvinile detention center awaiting placement in a psychatric treatment center. (She has PTSD from being raped.) My friend Laura just had open heart surgery. Lynn also has a heart condition and her husband is still recovering from having a cancerous tumer removed from his brain earlier this year. Ann's husband is recovering from chemo and a stem cell transplant for his cancer. And my friend Rob lost his wife this year to cancer, his best friend this year in a car accident, and his son is in prision. There's Gretchen who lost her mom and is loosing her home. There's also Thadeus who is autistic and his mom who lost her job recently. Kayla who lost her grandfather right before the holidays. But when I was filled with the Spirit and felt closer to God than ever before I didn't pray for any of them I prayed for skippy. I would just like to know why.

the begining of my reverb

Let me tell you how I discovered reverb. Once upon a time there was this guy. (How come everyting always starts out with a guy?) Well anyway; there's this guy I call "Skippy", no, It's not his real name but there's a story behind why I call him "Skippy". "Skippy" was the Wopship leader at the Church I used to be a part of. One day while I was praying for My daughter's mental health and safe return to Florida so that she could go into long term treatment I prayed for him. If your religious or know someone who is then you will know that there is no such thing as a freudian slip when you pray. I aksed my mentor Susan who still attends that Church if anything was going on and she said that he had left her Church. It bothered me because the prayer was very intense and I didn't know what I was praying for; so I googled him. Which is how I found reverb. "Skippy" is a classically trained concert violinist but on reverb he's classified himself as pop. (I don't know if I would call him that some of it sounds emo.) I signed up as a fan and sent him a message. (Ok it was two but he never responed. I can take a hint.) I must say this site is fantastic. I never knew that there is so much going on locally. I've even found some great house music and electronica groups that were local. I thought that my days of listening to that were over when I left Europe ten years ago. I tried to use those widget things but me not being tech savy I am having some troubble even though I'm sure that it's really easy to use. Well that's how I found reverb.