
God's Spiritual Assassin / Blog

Forgive My Love (My Poetry)

Forgive My Love

Forgive my heart, For wanting you,

Forgive my eyes, For holding you,

Forgive my smile, For calling you,

Forgive My Love......

Forgive my soul, For wanting to hold The genius that is you,

Forgive my mind, For wanting to find, The deepest Love within you,

Forgive My Love......

Forgive my dreams, For keeping you up at night,

My Love, I wish to go the deepest depths with you, To climb the highest heights to, To fight side by side, Through hard situations, Don't worry baby, I ride or die, no hesitation, To lift you up, When your down, When your sad, I'll be your clown, I'll be the thief in the night, Stealing your kisses away, Sleeping in your arms , Never going astray, Becoming one, One, Mind, One, Flesh, One, Soul, One, Heart,

Forgive My Love...... For wanting things to be this way, This is all i see, Looking at you each day.

Much Love Always!!!

Copyright (c) G. Ellis 10/ 2008