
LobsterLover2 / Blog


Its never too late to be what you might have been. -George Eliot-


LobsterLover2  (about 17 years ago)

Still...LOVE THIS.


If you always do what youve always done, Then youll always get what youve always got.

*To get something different, you gotta do something different*

another quote...

"someone once told me that love is friendship on fire..."

who doesnt like that... I dig.

::rubs two sticks together::

Giddings Love For Who
Giddings Love For Who  (over 17 years ago)

I would say my love is like that! Hi, I don't fully know who you are yet, but Polly tells me great things. I can't figure out how add you as a friend - so I suppose I will just chat with you this way for now! Thanks for any help, we appreciate it!

| Timm |
| GLFW |


CMJ=CoolMammaJammas KickAss Party fellas! Rock On Reverb Crew. Loving it. Next? Te-has? Si. hah. jokes jokes.

QUINTUS lyrics.

def love this:

Find a day that lasts forever... Forever lasts a day together never ever stays FOREVER LASTS A DAY TOGETHER...

You could be my....

"Your hands are in my hair, but my heart is in your teeth..."

perfect. Jewel.


Electroshock begins.... "CLEAR"..."CLEAR" ::heart beats:: LobsterLover is back... ::wipes brow:: That was a close.