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Sarah Bettens: A Brilliant Shining Artist

This past weekend I had the gift of seeing Sarah Bettens, not once but twice in 2 days! My niece invited me to ride along with her to Austin on Friday, July 25th, and then to Dallas on Saturday, the 26th, to see Sarah Bettens and her band. I had not heard Ms. Bettens' music until Tuesday, the 22nd. After hearing a few of the videos on You Tube, I resoundingly decided to accompany my niece. I was over the top with happiness during the first show for having taken my niece's offer.

What an amazing gift this individual has? Ms. Bettens is an amazing songwriter who has a voice that resonates in my bones. During her performances, Ms. Bettens establishes such an intimacy with her audience, she is a soulful rocker, who exudes personality while singing.

Could I add any more? Well indeed I can because the band members are equally as talented and refreshingly personable. I can't say enough about this group, but if they are ever in your area of a driving distance of 9 hours, GO FOR IT! You will never regret seeing this band. But if you happen to miss one of their events close enough for you to see them, you'll never forgive yourself for missing it!